COVID-19 Pandemic Status in Indonesia Becomes Endemic This Year

Ilustrasi COVID-19/virus corona.
Sumber :
  • Pixabay/mattthewafflecat

VIVA – The Health Minister, Budi Gunadi Sadikin conveys that Indonesia will change to COVID-19 endemic status this year, 2023. Minister Budi says, the government already has a transition scheme from pandemic to endemic.

Sudah Ditemukan di Indonesia, Ini Bedanya Virus HMPV dan COVID-19?

"So, we will change from a pandemic to an endemic, we already have the framework. We have also talked to WHO," said Minister Budi Gunadi in a working meeting with Commission IX of the House of Representatives at Jakarta, on Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2023.

Minister Budi said the WHO will evaluate or review countries related to the spread of COVID-19 and its impact on hospital occupancy and mortality rates. If the results of the review show Covid is the same as other diseases, it can be designated as a COVID-19 endemic.

Virus HMPV yang Merebak di China Telah Ditemukan di Indonesia, Kenali Gejala Ini

Menteri kesehatan RI Budi Gunadi Sadikin di Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta

Photo :
  • Biro Pers, Media dan Informasi Sekretariat Presiden

"If the impact of hospitalization and mortality is the same as other diseases, such as tuberculosis, dengue, tuberculosis, malaria, or influenza, in the eyes of WHO they see, 'ah this is already a normal infectious disease," The minister remarked. 

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Then, Minister Budi added that the indicators that will be scrutinized by WHO are hospital occupancy and mortality rates. His party will prepare everything related to changing the status of the pandemic to an endemic, including continuing to ensure that COVID-19 control efforts are carried out consistently.

"We still want to control, be a little more conservative, so we observe the rate of transmission of the virus, in terms of surveillance, we still maintain it. Because we want to make sure that before entering the hospital, we don't detect it first, we don't let it loose," he added.

Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta, drg. Ani Ruspitawati.

Dinkes Jakarta Imbau Warga Tak Panik Hadapi HMPV: Tak Seperti Covid-19

Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jakarta, menyatakan virus Human Metapneumovirus atau HMPV, bukan virus baru dan sudah dikenal di dunia medis. Untuk itu, masyarakat jangan panik.

9 Januari 2025