Achieving SDGs in Indonesia through Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Sharing Session by PPM School of Management
Sumber :
  • Arianti Widya

VIVA – In supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 in Indonesia, the PPM School of Management wants to contribute by educating young people to start a business with concern of the environment and social life.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 is an ambitious plan to ensure a better future for all people and the environment, maintaining the sustainability of people's social lives, and maintaining the quality of the environment from one generation to the next.

In a sharing session event held by the PPM School of Management with the theme "Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Achieving SDGs, on Feb. 8, 2023, there are some business people gave opinions to each other on how SDGs can be widespread in Indonesia through sustainable entrepreneurship.

Sharing Session by PPM School of Management

Photo :
  • Arianti Widya

"We (PPM School) see that businesses today are looking for opportunities to have a positive impact on society, and the environment and help to solve social problems. Therefore, we want to provide more knowledge about social entrepreneurship or sustainable entrepreneurship to young people, business people, and even professionals" Brian Tilaar stated.

"We want to create sustainable entrepreneurship in achieving the SDGs." He added.

Then, Brian Tilaar also conveyed the challenges in achieving SDGs in Indonesia, one is that Indonesian companies must transform into transforming buildings that promote environmental friendliness.

"Making buildings environmentally friendly is not easy. Unless the company has been promoting SDGs from the beginning, it might be easier." Brian said.

Bappenas Minta Pengusaha Bantu Program SDGs

As information, in realizing SDGs in Indonesia, the Indonesian government has implemented various policies, such as programs to increase access to health and education services for the poor, as well as programs to develop environmentally friendly technology.

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Campus Leaders Program (CLP) batch 10 Bakrie Center Foundation

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13 Maret 2025