A China Province Legally Allows Unmarried People to Have Children

Ilustrasi populasi warga China.
Sumber :
  • The Irish Time

VIVA – Health authorities in China’s southwestern province of Sichuan will allow unmarried individuals to raise a family and enjoy benefits reserved for the married couple. This aims to support a falling birth rate or population.

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Previously, China’s government stated that only married women are legally allowed to give birth, but with marriage and birth rates have fallen to record lows in recent years, provincial authorities change the rule to cover singles who want to have children.

From February 15, 2023, married couples and any individuals who want offspring will be allowed to register with the government in China’s fifth most populous province, with no limit on the number of children they can register for.

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"The move aims to promote long-term and balanced population development," the Sichuan health commission said in a statement on its website. 

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China's population shrank last year for the first time in six decades, which is a historic change that is expected to usher in China's worst period of decline. That prospect is pushing authorities to launch incentives and measures to increase the population.

A nationwide registry system for couples to register with local authorities ensures maternity insurance to cover medical bills while letting married women keep their salary during maternity leave.

These benefits will be extended to single women and men in Sichuan, which ranks seventh in the nation in terms of those older than 60, or more than 21 percent of its population, government figures show. Much of China’s demographic downturn stems from its one-child imposed between 1980 and 2015.

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