The Reason Why Electric Vehicle Battery Drop Fast

Ilustrasi pabrik baterai mobil listrik.
Sumber :
  • Electrek

VIVA – The electric vehicle is becoming more common in Indonesia. Data from the Association of the Indonesian Automotive Industry or Gaikindo shows that the number of electric cars sold last year reached ten thousand units, up from the previous year which was only in the range of a thousand units.

One of the things that make the increase in people's interest in owning environmentally friendly vehicles, namely that the prices offered are currently quite affordable.

In addition, the existence of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations or SPKLU in Indonesia is also increasing and spreading in various regions. Therefore, users don’t need to be worry about running out of electricity when traveling long distances.

The fast-charging feature makes it even more convenient for owners of electric vehicles, both cars, and motorcycles. With a relatively short time, the battery power can increase and be enough to continue the journey.

However, not all advanced technologies such as fast charging can be used in all-electric vehicles. This was revealed by an automotive observer from the Bandung Institute of Technology, Agus Purwadi.

"Battery in principle has ampere-hours, normally it's hours. Well, if fast charging is under an hour, or minutes. So, it means the charging is twice the capacity, forced," Agus Purwadi explained on January 27, 2023, in Jakarta.

Agus Purwadi said the bad thing that happens when the battery is forced to receive twice more than its ability is reduced, commonly referred to as a drop.

"Automatic thermal (heat) rises. Now if the thermal rises, the durability drops. For the battery, fast charging shortens the life. That is very, very influential," he said.

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Several types of batteries can accept high thermal loads but their specifications do not allow them to be used in vehicles that require high performance, Agus stated.

"Lithium Ferro-phosphate (LFP) batteries are relatively well thermalized, so it is safe if you want to charge them quickly. For vehicles that don't need performance, LFP batteries are suitable. But if they need performance, they need NMC or NCA," Agus Purwadi stated.

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