Cat Movement Could Be Sign of Natural Disasters
- U-Report
VIVA – Cats are one of mythological animals that are believed to know many things, many people even think cat movements can be a sign of natural disasters. Several certain movements and attitudes shown by cats seem to be a sign of a 'weather forecast' that should not be ignored. So, here are some cat movements that are believed to be a sign of natural disasters.
A rain sign
When a cat cleans behind its ears, it's a sign of rain. Likewise, if the cat sneezes, it is also a sign of rain.
A storm sign
When a cat lies on its back with its mouth facing up, expect a storm. Similarly, when a cat purrs, bad weather will follow.
An extreme weather sign
When a cat lies in the sun in February, a sign of stove-like intense heat will occur in March. If a cat sits with its back to the fire, freezing and cold weather may happen.
Can Cats Predict the Earthquake?
Cats and other animals can predict earthquakes before they happen. As in a YouTube video showing the 'home' of cats. Apparently, it appears that the cats immediately scattered to run towards the door before the earthquake came. So, when you see a panicked cat running, there is a possibility of a natural disaster appearing.