Elementary Student from NTT Won First Place in Abacus Competition

Caesar Archangels Hendrik Meo Tnunay atau Nono, Juara Dunia Matematika asal NTT.
Sumber :
  • YouTube Biro Umum Setda Provinsi NTT

VIVA – Recently, the news roundly on social media about elementary school student from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Caesar Archangels Hendrik Meo Tnunay or Nono won first place in the world-level math competition, International Abacus World Competition, Abacus Brain 2022.

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As known, the Abacus World Competition is a world-level mathematics and abacus competition organized by Abacus Brain Gym (ABG). In the competition, Nono was able to defeat seven thousands of participants from various countries, including Qatar and the United States.

This eight-year-old boy is the only one from Indonesia who has been able to win first place in the competition since ABG was founded in 2003, he studies at Inpres Buraen 2 Elementary school, South Amarasi District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.

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Bocah jenius bernama Caesar Archangels Hendrik Meo Tnunay atau Nono ketika didampingi Gubernur NTT Viktor Laiskodat (tiga kanan).

Photo :
  • Instagram @viktorbungtilulaiskodat

According to the 2021 Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Kupang is one of the poorest districts in NTT. Nono's achievement was also appreciated by various parties, including NTT Governor Viktor Laiskodat.

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"I am happy and proud to see a kid like Nono or Caesar Archangels Hendrik Meo Tnunay, a grade 2 student of Inpres Buraen 2 Elementary school, South Amarasi, who won first place in the Abacus Brain Gym world competition in 2022," he said, in a statement on his Instagram.

According to Viktor, this achievement not only makes NTT proud but also Indonesia and the world. NTT Governor Viktor Laiskodat also expressed his gratitude for the role of teachers in educating the nation's children.

"Nono makes NTT and the world proud. Of course, this cannot be separated from the role of teachers who are very important in building smart and independent children," he said.

This elementary student won first place after completing 15,201 question files. One file consists of 10 questions so the total number of questions completed within one year is 152,010 questions tested in the virtual and listening form in English.

While the second place was won by participants from Qatar, and the third place was won by participants from the US. The 2022 Abacus Brain Gym Award presentation event to Nono or Caesar Archangels Hendrik Meo Tnunay was attended by NTT Governor; Viktor Laiskodat, Kupang Regent; Korinus Masneno, ABG US Founder; Juli Agustar Djonli and ABG Indonesia Founder; Aguslina Angkasa on January 10, 2023.

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