Finance Ministry Issues New Regulation Ease Import of Goods

Import and export activities.
Sumber :
  • Ali Wafa

VIVA – The Ministry of Finance issued a new regulation on customs inspection in the import field. This is to improve the smooth flow of goods and accelerate the implementation of customs inspection in the import field.

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The regulation is contained in Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) number 185/PMK.04/2022, and is a replacement for PMK number 139/PMK.04/2007 as amended by PMK number 225/PMK.04/2015 and comes into force after 30 days from the date of promulgation on December 12, 2022.

Director of Communication and Service User Guidance at the Directorate General of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance, Nirwala Dwi Heryanto said that the replacement of the PMK was carried out, to simplify the provisions for physical inspection of imported goods and document research.

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"The PMK replacement also aims to further improve the smooth flow of goods and accelerate the implementation of customs inspection in the imports field," Nirwala said in a statement on Friday.

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Photo :
  • Bea Cukai

Nirwala said that the PMK replacement was a follow-up to the bureaucratic reform and institutional transformation (RBTK) program. In line with efforts to harmonize business processes and information technology.

Customs inspection is carried out on document research and physical inspection of goods, carried out after the importer or PPJK (Customs Service Management Entrepreneur) submits an import customs declaration or customs supplementary document, to obtain appropriate data and assessment, he said.

"Document research is an activity carried out by the service computer system (SKP) or customs officials in charge of document examiners to ensure that customs declarations are made completely and correctly."

Meanwhile, document research by SKP includes the completeness and correctness of the filling of the import customs declaration and the fulfillment of the prohibition or restriction provisions.

Then, the physical inspection of goods is carried out by a Physical Examining Officer (PFF) by opening the packaging of goods or using a scanner. Inspection by opening the packaging is carried out with the presence of PFF directly at the inspection site or through electronic media.

"Physical inspection of goods through electronic media is carried out after obtaining approval from customs officials based on requests from importers. While inspection using a scanner is carried out as a substitute or before an inspection by opening the packaging," Nirwala remarked.

Nirwala said that the latest regulation also stipulates that physical inspection can be delayed if the container seal is damaged or has been opened. Then the goods being inspected have special properties that make it impossible to inspect the TPS.

Next, the physical inspection of goods requires the assistance of special tools that are not yet available at the inspection site, physical inspection of goods requires technical knowledge. So, it is necessary to bring in certain technical experts or other technical obstacles do not allow physical inspection of goods.

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