Five Islamic Symbols that Should Not Be Underestimated
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VIVA – All religions have rules and prohibitions respectively. It will be good if even though different religions must have a high tolerance for other religions.
Islam becomes one of the religions that is widely followed by society, especially in Indonesia. Islam has some symbols that show diversity quality, and actually these symbols should not be underestimated because it is highly revered.
1. The Essence of Allah SWT
Allah SWT
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A Muslim must obviously glorify Allah SWT. Therefore, when someone will mention the name of Allah, they should add Subhanahu wa Ta'ala or jalla jalaluh.
2. Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Quran, and the Sabda
Replika rumah Nabi Muhammad.
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The Prophet Muhammad SAW and other prophets and apostles are symbols of religion. Therefore, a Muslim must glorify, honor, and respect. Therefore, the commemoration of the Prophet's maulid is one form of glorifying and honoring the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Our Ulama, especially those in Nahdlatul Ulama, highly uphold the event because it glorifies the honor of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Because the Prophet's Maulid is to glorify the Prophet Muhammad as a symbol of Islam.
3. Kaaba and Masjid al-Haram
Jemaah shalat fardhu di Masjidil Haram, Mekkah.
- ANTARA/Desi Purnamawati
The Kaaba and the Masjid al-Haram are religious symbols that need to be honored by all Muslims. Although the Kabah is built and composed of stones, a Muslim must glorify it because Allah SWT has also glorified the Kabah. Glorifying something because of Allah SWT is not shirk but is worth worship.
4. The month of Ramadan
Ilustrasi bangunan masjid jelang bulan Ramadhan
Ramadan is a religious symbol that must be glorified. Because the Prophet Muhammad SAW also glorified Ramadan and even welcomed its presence since the month of Rajab. It is good for someone to put up a banner that aims to remind other Muslims to prepare for the presence of Ramadan.
5. The Guardians
Wali Songo
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The Guardians or Indonesian known as Para Wali are religious symbols that should be revered. If the auliya have a place in a someone heart then it is a sign that the person is strong in their religion.