Scientists Reveal the Reason Why Someone Cannot Stop Snacking

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  • Pexels

VIVA – Eating and snacking are one of the habits that people often do. Snacks in the form of potato chips or other savory foods are loved by almost everyone. Recently, scientists reveal the reason why it is difficult for people to stop snacking.

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Researchers from Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan discovered a gene that has a strong correlation with obesity prevention. It helps the body stop itself before overeating, especially greasy fast food.

The gene called CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1, or CRTC1, along with its associated neuron, melanocortin-4 receptor, or MC4R, were both studied in mice to observe how those genetic things affect eating habits. Consumption of fatty foods significantly affected the results.

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Ilustrasi wanita mengemil.

Photo :
  • U-Report

A group of mice that had CRTC1 deleted from their gene first tested the same against a control group when fed a standard diet. However, when the CRTC1-deficient group was fed a high-fat diet, they developed diabetes and gained more weight than the first mice.

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"This study has revealed the role of the CRTC1 gene in the brain, and part of the mechanism that stops us from overeating high-calorie, fatty and sugary foods," Head of the study's research team, Professor Shigenobu Matsumura explained.

Now, if the gene is smaller, the ability to control eating or snacking is smaller, "We hope this will lead to a better understanding of what causes people to overeat." Professor Shigenobu Matsumura stated.

Ilustrasi diabetes.

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23 Januari 2025