The Image See First Reveals whether Your Ex Still Loves You or Not

A personality Test
Sumber :
  • Yourtango site

VIVA – Move on from your ex is never easy, you have to go through a lot of processes to get through it. Sometimes, to start healing and moving on from the relationship, you need to cut off contact, and that sucks, especially when the person in question is your best friend and you can't imagine getting through something this awful without them.

Susah Move On? Eltasya Natasha Hadir dengan Lagu Bertema Cinta Masa Lalu

Some people can move on, meet new people and start new relationships. Others are still stuck in the past and keep thinking about their ex.

Well, here is a personality test that can reveal whether your ex still loves you or not. It's easy, just look carefully at the picture below, then remember what image you saw first. If you're sure, match your answers.

Viral Wanita Ini Kasih Alasan saat Tahu Pasangannya Belum Move On dari Mantan, Jawabannya Tak Terduga

Tes kepribadian/ilusi optik.

Photo :
  • Your Tango.

If you saw the Crocodile first

Dituding Belum Bisa Move On dari Fuji, Ini Jawaban Thariq Halilintar

If you look at the crocodile first, your ex still loves you, in fact, he never forgot you at all. If you go back to that path, you might get some temporary satisfaction. However, the whole ordeal will end and leave you feeling worse than before. Remember, love is not enough.

If you saw the Boat first

If you saw the boat first, your ex still thinks of you fondly, but those feelings aren't the same as the feelings of love they had for you when you were together.

In addition, they don't harbor any fantasies about getting back together. You broke up for a reason, and they have moved on.

If you saw the Clouds first

If you saw the clouds, your ex still thinks of you, and you know that because the two of you have never stopped speaking, to begin with. It's silly to wonder what a person thinks of your post-relationship when you haven't taken the necessary steps to make sure your relationship is over.

Letting go is never easy, but sometimes it's necessary.

If you saw the Moon first

If you see the moon when you first look at the image, it means that your ex-partner no longer has feelings for you. He may have fond memories with you, but honestly, you're not on his mind too often these days.

It can be hard to accept that someone you care about has moved on. But sometimes, it could be just what you need to help you head in the same direction. Believe in yourself, because you deserve the love that lasts.

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