Yusuf Shah Has Higher IQ Score than Einstein and Hawking
- Daily News
VIVA – New history was made by an eleven-year-old genius boy who has surpassed a world record set by Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. This boy named Yusuf Shah has scored high marks on the IQ test or Mensa intelligence test and has beaten the duo of genius physicists.
Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein are predicted to have IQs of 160. Mensa, the international high IQ society organization, confirmed Yusuf Shah's score by saying that he is in the top two percent of the population and has great potential.
The organization has more than 145,000 members worldwide. Those who wish to be enrolled as members must successfully pass the Mensa test. According to The Yorkshire Evening Post, Yusuf's parents encouraged him to take the test without special preparation, as quoted from the NBC News page, Tuesday, December 27, 2022.
"Everyone at school thinks I'm clever and I always want to know if I'm in the top two percent of people who take tests," says the teenager who lives in the northern England city of Leeds.
Yusuf Shah
- nypost.com
The young mathematician is currently focused on applying to secondary school, his family said, but in his spare time, Yusuf still does Rubik's Cube and sudokus,
"It feels special to have a certificate for me and about me. I never expected to be in the news either," Yusuf Shah stated.
The father of Yusuf Shah, Irfan, says that when his son was 7 years old, he discovered a mathematical task that he couldn’t explain. Then, the family contacted a Cambridge University math professor. The professor gave Yusuf the reason and the principle, which has since become known in their household as “Yusuf’s Rule of Thirds”.
Even so, his parents say they still taught him to nurture his work ethic and social life in addition to his natural abilities, "I still tell him that 'your father is still smarter than you'. We accept everything. Even if you are talented, you have to be the hardest worker," Yusuf Shah's father says.