After Nickel, Jokowi Re-announces Raw Material Export Ban

Presiden Joko Widodo.
Sumber :
  • Dok. VIVA.

VIVA –The Indonesian President, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), said that he re-announces raw materials that will stop being exported in a raw form other than nickel. Unfortunately, the President did not mention clearly what raw materials would stop being exported in raw form.

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The policy will be announced by Jokowi today, Wednesday, December 21, 2022. This was conveyed by Jokowi at the Indonesian Economic Outlook 2023 event held at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, South Jakarta.

"Today, we will add more, if yesterday we stopped nickel, today we will announce another commodity that we have. After leaving here, I will announce again, stop this already," Jokowi remarked.

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Jokowi said that Indonesia could no longer continue to export its commodities in the form of raw materials. According to him, this step is very detrimental to Indonesia. Therefore, the policy of prohibiting commodity exports in the form of raw materials will continue until next year.

Jokowi stated that the impact of the ban on nickel exports in raw form has now been felt by the economy. From previously only getting a profit of US $ 1.1 billion, to US $ 30 billion.

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"Because we cannot allow the export of raw materials anymore. Next year there will be more, whether one or two, stop again. because clearly, US$1.1 then jumped to more than US$30 billion, from IDR 18 trillion jumped to IDR 460 trillion, if we continue, our big loss.” said President Jokowi.

Jokowi is also not afraid if there are lawsuits from other countries regarding the policies taken by Indonesia. Any lawsuit, Indonesia will be ready to face it.

"Even if we are sued, it's okay. Nickel is sued, this is what we will announce again, it's okay. Keep being sued. The second one sued has not been completed, the third we stop again, it's okay to sue again, our job is to once again look for the greatest added value, and it can be seen, "President Joko Widodo stated.

Plt Wakapolrestabes Medan, AKBP. Taryono Raharja, saat memberikan keterangan pers terkait kasus pengoplosan Pertalite.(istimewa/VIVA)

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