Porseni Bakrie 2022 Officially Opens, Eight Sports Competed
- VIVAnews/Robbi Yanto
VIVA – The 2022 Bakrie Sports and Arts Week (Porseni) agenda is officially opened by Bakrie Sports and Cultural Arts Committee Board Member, Resza Adikreshna in the Epicentrum Area, Kuningan, South Jakarta, on Saturday, December 17, 2022.
Resza Adikreshna admitted that he was very grateful that Porseni Bakrie can be held again after two years of suspension due to the Covid-19 pandemic. He hopes that by holding Porseni Bakrie again in 2022, it can strengthen the relationship between companies under the auspices of the Bakrie Group.
"Alhamdulillah, Porseni Bakrie can be held again after two years of suspension due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Through Porseni Bakrie, it is hoped that fellow employees of the Bakrie company can get to know each other, increase friendship, togetherness and kinship,"Â Resza Adikreshna stated.Â
Resza said that the holding of Porseni Bakrie 2022 is part of a series to commemorate Bakrie's 80th Anniversary. In addition, the organization of Porseni is also in line with the Bakrie Trimatra, namely, 'Indonesian’s, Benefit and Togetherness'.
"My advice, winning and losing is just a separate entertainment, but the main thing of holding this Porseni is establishing togetherness that we are all Bakrie people who are united in the Bakrie company," added Resza.
Porseni Bakrie 2022 will compete in eight sports, where there is one new sport that distinguishes this event from previous years, Resza said.
"The difference this year from the previous year is that there is an Esports sport. This sport is competed as a step to keep up with the times. Times are changing and now one of them Esports is trendy, a new sport for young people," Reszha remarked.
"So, we from the Bakrie group want to continue to innovate in accordance with our motto, 'continue to innovate and be easy' so Esports is one of our choices to add a new sports branch, hopefully it can represent millennial children at Porseni Bakrie," he added.
On the same occasion, the Chief Organizer of Porseni Bakrie, Joel F Rasti explained that this sixth event was attended by 36 companies incorporated in the Bakrie Group. Especially the Esports branch is the most popular for participants consisting of 30 teams and each team consists of 5 participants.
The Esport branch, in Porseni Bakrie 2022, will only compete in one competition, namely the Mobile Legend game. The game was chosen because it was in great demand, especially by millennial employees in the Bakrie Group.