Study Reveals Single People May Die Sooner
- U-Report
VIVA – Being single perhaps fun for some people. Free to do anything without having to think or prioritize someone else. Of course, a single person will get more time for "Me Time". But unfortunately, it turns out that being single can shorten life or death sooner.
Researchers from the University of Louisville in Kentucky analyzed 90 previous studies on the subject and found that men who remain single may die 8 to 17 years before married men, while women who remain single may die 7 to 15 years before married women. The study was first reported by MSNBC.
Also, it can be attributed to the fact that there is more social support and public assistance for married couples. For example, recent studies have shown that married men manage to go to the hospital for a heart attack faster than single men.
According to the new review, single men have a 32 percent higher risk of death during their lifetime compared to married or partnered men, while single women have a 23 percent higher risk of death during their lifetime than married, said the study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
However, the researchers looked at studies conducted on subjects published over the past 60 years. Then, the analysis also didn't take into account the impact of a bad marriage on longevity, reports MSNBC.
"I don't think you need studies to tell people that a bad marriage is going to be bad for one's health," study researcher David Roelfs, assistant professor of sociology, told MSNBC.
The study review also only defined married people as those who remained married throughout their lives, not divorced people or widows who were once married but later became single, reports MSNBC. It also only defines married people as those who remain married throughout their lives, not divorced or widowed people who were once married but later became single.
Even so, a study of 67,000 Americans from 2006 showed that single people still tend to die sooner than widowed, divorced and separated women, in addition to married people.
Previous research has also shown poor health outcomes for people living alone. A UK study released in 2001 showed that middle-aged men living alone had a 23 percent increased risk of dying earlier than their married counterparts, The Telegraph reported.
But single people can disprove the assertions of these studies by doing regular exercise, eating healthy food, staying away from toxic things, not stressing, or perhaps trying to find a soulmate.