Jokowi Declares Perppu for Election in Four Papuan New Provinces

Warga Papua melintas di dekat spanduk sosialisasi Pemilu 2019 yang dipajang di Kantor KPUD Wamena, Jayawijaya. (Foto ilustrasi)
Sumber :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Yusran Uccang

VIVA – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) issued a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) regarding the holding of the 2024 elections in four Papua New Autonomous Regions (DOB). The Perppu with number 1 of 2022 was signed by the President of Indonesia on December 12, 2022.

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The four new autonomous regions are South Papua Province, Central Papua Province, Highlands Province, and Southwest Papua Province. In the Perppu, there are implications from the formation of the four new provinces, so extraordinary policies and steps are needed.

"Extraordinary policies and steps are needed to anticipate the impact of the formation of these new regions on the implementation of the 2024 general election stages so that they can be carried out following the schedule and stages to create domestic political stability," stated a point in the Perppu quoted on Tuesday, December 13, 2022.

KKB Berulah Lagi, Tembak Anggota Polisi yang Pulang Beli Minyak Tanah di Puncak Jaya

Warga Papua memasukan kertas suara saat memberikan hak suaranya pada Pemilu serentak 2019 di Distrik Libarek, Wamena, Kabupaten Jayawijaya, Papua

Photo :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Yusran Uccang

In addition, the impact of the four Papuan DOBs is also mentioned, so it is necessary to arrange the electoral districts. Likewise with the allocation of seats for members of the House Representative (DPR), Regional Representatives Council (DPD), and Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) as well as the institution of organizing general elections.

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Thus, it is expected to provide legal certainty as soon as possible, without disrupting the implementation of the 2024 general election stages.

Furthermore, this Perppu also regulates changes in the schedule for organizing campaigns for the DPR, DPD, and DPRD elections. Then, the election of the president and vice president to the holding of elections in the Nusantara State Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan.

Previously, Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Ahmad Doli Kurnia, admitted that he had received information that the Perppu on Elections was already on President Jokowi's desk. He said the Perppu would soon be sent to the DPR.

"I got information, the Perppu is already on the president's desk," Ahmad Doli Kurnia said on Monday, December 12, 2022.

Ahmad Doli explained the process of signing the Election Perppu was carried out by President Jokowi while still attending the wedding of his youngest son, Kaesang Pangarep with Erina Gudono in Solo.

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