Ministry of SOEs Committed to Supporting National Swimming Sport

Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir dan Ketum PB PRSI, Anindya Bakrie
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Robbi Yanto

VIVA – During the opening ceremony of the 4th Indonesia Open Aquatic Championship (IOAC) 2022 at the Aquatic Stadium, Gelora Bung Karno in Jakarta, Monday, December 12, 2022, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Erick Thohir stated that the SOE ministry is committed to supporting swimming sport, which is a superior branch in the National Sports Grand Design (DBON).

Respons Erick Thohir soal Wacana BBM Gratis sebagai Kompensasi Kasus Pertamina

"As already mentioned, we have a national sports blueprint, where SOEs work together with the Menpora, and of course according to the President's direction, there is a legal for swimming, we support it from BTN and PTPN," Erick Thohir said.

"If asked about the relationship, everything is not connected. But it is how SOEs support national sports following the seven sports blueprints. There is badminton (BNI), football (BRI), weightlifting archery, and BTN swimming," added Minister Erick Thohir.

Harapan Besar Erick Thohir pada Jordi Cruyff

Ilustrasi lomba renang

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However, the cooperation with PRSI does not exclude the business side. SOEs through BTN are promoting homes for millennials, Minister Erick explained.

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"BTN happens to have millennial housing products, so we promote how we build houses for millennials, which at this time buying a house is certainly not easy. We encourage this (house purchase), and also PTPN has many products, such as cooking oil, sugar, and others, so this cooperation is mutually beneficial. The sports blueprint must exist, but B2B must also exist," he stated.

The fourth edition of IOAC 2022 was attended by 1500 participants and competed in four aquatic disciplines, namely swimming (December 12-15), water polo (December 12-16), beautiful jumping (December 16-19), and artistic swimming (December 17-19).

In addition, there is a swimming competition for masters on December 18 which is followed by senior swimmers ranging in age from 27 to 85 years. Especially for swimming, this event is also the 43rd Indonesian Inter-Association Swimming Championship (KRAPSI).

125 clubs sent representatives to compete in several categories, namely, KU-4 for ages 11 years and under, KU-3 (12-13 years), KU-2 (14-15 years), KU-1 (16-18 years), and senior categories with ages 18 years and over.

Indonesia's main swimmers such as Glenn Victor Susanto, Aflah Fadlan Prawira, I Gede Siman Sudartawa, Patricia Yosita, and Azzahra Permatahani as well as Junior swimmers who won the Vietnam Sea Games Gold 2021 (2022) then Masniari Wolf, and Flairene Candrea Wonomiharjo also came down to defend their respective clubs.

Meanwhile, the beautiful jumping contests five categories, namely Age Group or KU-D with ages under 10 years, KU-C (11-13 years), KU-B 14-15 years), KU-A (16-18 years), and open to ages over 18 years.

The artistic swimming starts in the Age Group KU-1 with ages under 9 years, KU-2 (10-12 years), KU-3 (13-15 years), and open categories without age restrictions.

For water polo, the best young athletes from their respective regions will be present. These young athletes will be monitored by Serbian national team coach Nikola Milosavljevic.

Meanwhile, women's water polo will be monitored by Hungarian national team coach Aaron Regos. The promotion and relegation system still applies in water polo.

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