FIFA Prepares IDR 7.5 trillion for 2022 World Cup Prizes

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Sumber :
  • FIFA

VIVA – Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) prepares funds of up to 488 dollars or IDR 7.5 trillion to pay prize money at the 2022 World Cup. Check out the full list of 2022 World Cup prize money here. 

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The 32 teams that qualified for the 2022 World Cup finals have already received prize money since they qualified for Qatar. Each team gets US$1.5 million or IDR23.5 billion. Then FIFA gave prize money of $9 million or IDR 141.4 billion each to 16 teams that failed to qualify for the 2022 World Cup.

A total of eight teams that stopped in the last 16 will receive prize money of $13 million or IDR 200.7 billion. The 2022 World Cup prize money for the team stopped in the quarter-finals, which was $17 million or IDR267 billion.

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Furthermore, the fourth-ranked team of the 2022 World Cup gets $ 25 million or IDR 393 billion. It is proposed that the best third-placed team will win $27 million or IDR424 billion.

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The 2022 World Cup runner-up will get a bonus of US$30 million or equivalent to IDR 471 billion. Meanwhile, the 2022 World Cup champion team will be showered by FIFA with prize money of $42 million or IDR 660 billion.

The amount of prize money for the 2022 World Cup winning team has increased from the 2018 World Cup of $38 million or IDR 597 billion.

Here's the prize money for the 2022 World Cup: 

Champion: $42 million 

Runner-up: $30 million

3rd place: $27 million 

4th Place: $25 million 

Quarterfinals: $17 million 

Top 16: $13 million 

Group Stage: $9 million

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