Indonesian First Robot Barista Gives New Sensation Drink Coffee

Robot barista OttenMatic.
Sumber :
  • Otten Coffee

VIVA – In this modern era, technology has influenced various aspects of human life, including coffee. One is presented by Otten Coffee which introduces OttenMatic as the first robot barista in Indonesia.

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Giving a different coffee-drinking experience, OttenMatic has been introduced by Otten Coffee since 2021. This is expected to increase the sustainable growth of the coffee industry.

"OttenMatic is a personalized robot barista that will offer a different coffee experience for everyone," the Otten Coffee CEO and Co-Founder, Jhoni Kusno said through a virtual press conference on Thursday, December 8, 2022.

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Jhoni Kusno said that the robot was introduced as part of coffee education for everyone who visits the Otten Store.

Robot barista OttenMatic

Photo :
  • Otten Coffee
Inspiratif, Perjalanan Hendro Yulius Putro Merintis Sekolah Robot

"The presence of OttenMatic is not to replace baristas, but more as a form of a unique experience for drinking coffee and education about coffee in Indonesia for every visitor who visits our store," Jhoni Kusno added.

OttenMatic will provide education for every visitor. When visitors come to participate in this experience. Also, it will greet them and brew them a cup of coffee.

"OttenMatic is a form of Otten's contribution to society to educate coffee lovers about the process of making coffee from upstream to downstream," Jhoni remarked.

Furthermore, this robot will tell stories ranging from the origin of coffee beans, the roasting process, to how to brew and the tools needed,

"From the origin of coffee beans, the roasting process, to how to brew and the tools needed," he added. 

OttenMatic can be visited by visitors who come directly to the Otten Store in Senopati and Bandung. To meet this robot, visitors only need to pay Rp68,000, including a glass of coffee brewed by a sophisticated robot.

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