BMKG Reports 5.8 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Sukabumi West Java

Ilustrasi gempa Bumi.
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VIVA – Recently, earthquakes have occurred frequently in Indonesia, such as an earthquake with 5.8 magnitude hits Sukabumi, West Java, on Thursday morning, December 8, 2022.

Gempa Bumi Magnitudo 6.1 Guncang Parigimoutong Sulawesi Tengah

The earthquake was reported by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) to have occurred at around 07:50:57 AM in West Indonesia Time. BMKG reported the earthquake was located at 7.11 south latitude, 106.99 east longitude, or 22 kilometers southeast of Sukabumi City, West Java.

According to BMKG, the earthquake has a depth of 104 kilometers. "#Gempa Mag:5.8, 08-Dec-2022 07:50:57WIB, Location:7.11LS, 106.99BT (22 km Southeast of KOTA-SUKABUMI-JABAR), Kedlmn:104 Km #BMKG," wrote BMKG's official Twitter account, infoBMKG quoted on Thursday, December 8, 2022.

Hujan Disertai Petir Bakal Guyur Kota-kota Besar Hari Ini, Warga Diminta Waspada

The impact of this earthquake on potential damage to buildings in Sukabumi is not yet known, as well as the possible number of fatalities.

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The earthquake was felt as far away as Jakarta. Vibrations from the earthquake were felt in housing and high-rise buildings. The earthquake was also felt in Bogor Regency, Depok, and other areas.

Ilustrasi banjir jakarta

Jakarta Siaga Banjir, Hujan Deras Diperkirakan Terjadi Sepanjang Hari

Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) memprakirakan seluruh wilayah administrasi Jakarta diguyur hujan pada Kamis pagi ini.

30 Januari 2025