The Challenges Transportation Electrification in Indonesia
- carnewschina
VIVA – President Director of PT VKTR Teknologi Mobilitas, Gilarsi W Setijono stated several challenges will be faced by the transportation electrification industry in Indonesia. It was conveyed by Gilarsi when the subsidiary of PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk together with PENS held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and technology exhibition at PENS Campus, in Surabaya.
Gilarsi said the lack of choice of electric vehicles on the market, and the relatively high price is one of the challenges to electrifying vehicles in Indonesia.
"For example, the technology is still early and the lack of choice of electric vehicles on the market, supporting infrastructure such as SPKLU (Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station) is still minimal, and prices are still relatively high," Gilarsi W Setijono said on Instagram @bakrieandbrothers, Monday, December 5, 2022.
According to Gilarsi, to accelerate the growth of the industry, a series of clear provisions are needed, such as rules related to the operation of electric vehicle public transportation, new vehicles, and retrofitted vehicles.
The regulations related to electric vehicle infrastructure, technical rules for battery production and use, to provisions related to financing incentives from the Government for electric vehicles.
As for after the FGD, participants saw a technology exhibition at the same place. Where PENS and VKTR have successfully retrofitted conventional motorbikes into electric motorbikes.
For information, so far, the government continues to gradually encourage people to be able to use electric vehicles. The government has also encouraged online transportation to use electric vehicles, even DAMRI will launch the use of electric buses soon, as reported by