25 Countries Enliven Aquabike World Championship in Indonesia

Aquabike World Championship
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  • Facebook: Aquabike World Championship

VIVA – Indonesia will host the world championship of Jetski racing, the Aquabike World Championship on March 9 to 12, 2022. This prestigious event will be held at Jatiluhur Reservoir, Purwakarta Regency, West Java, and enlivened by 25 countries.

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"Before it is held, 100 countries will be selected to be able to take part in this championship, later 25 countries will be selected and each country will send two participants," President Director of PT. Big Brother Indonesia, Ivan Andrian as the event promotor said during a press conference at Jatiluhur Valley & Resort, Monday, December 5, 2022.

PT Big Brother Indonesia also collaborated with the Nahdlatul Ulama Economic Institute (LPNU), the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) West Java, and the Public Company Jasa Tirta (PJT) II to make this event a success.

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Direktur Utama Big Brother Indonesia, Ivan Andrian

Photo :
  • VIVA: Surya Aditiya

Furthermore, Ivan Andrian revealed that the Aquabike World Championship which will be held in Jatiluhur Lake will be the first in Indonesia and also the first time held in an artificial lake.

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"This is the first time the championship has been held in Indonesia and also on a reservoir, the Aquabike World Championship has been held at sea," Ivan remarked.

Later, after signing a contract with the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) for five years, Indonesia will hold ten Aquabike World Championship events, where in one year two events will be held in different locations.

As information, UIM is an international body that houses electric boats as well as the owner of the license to organize jet ski Grand Prix leagues around the world.

"This international event will be held under a long-term contract, ten events over a five-year contract with the Union Internationale Motonautique," Ivan Andrian remarked.

Dirut Big Brother Indonesia, Ivan Andrian dan Direktur UIM, Raimondo Sanmarti

Photo :
  • VIVA: Surya Aditiya

Ivan stated that UIM had checked the location and confirmed that the Jatiluhur Reservoir had met international standards for organizing the Aquabike World Championship.

The first step of the Aquabike World Championship activity began with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the President Director of PT Big Brother Indonesia, Ivan Andrian, and UIM Director, Raimondo Sanmartino on Monday.

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