Aid for Cianjur Earthquake Victims Continues to Arrive

Tim pemantau kesehatan dari Direktorat Kesehatan Jiwa Kemenkes RI melakukan skrining kesehatan jiwa di tenda pengungsian Kecamatan Cugenang, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat, Selasa, 29 November 2022.
Sumber :
  • ANTARA/Andi Firdaus

VIVA – The earthquake that occurred in the Cianjur region, West Java recently has had a huge impact on its residents. Until now, officers and volunteers are still looking for victims who might still be trapped under the rubble.

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The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency or BMKG noted, based on the results of monitoring until today afternoon at 18.00 local time there were 374 aftershocks in Cianjur. However, the frequency of the earthquakes was getting weaker.

Meanwhile regarding the number of victims, Cianjur Regent, Herman Suherman said that the data on the death toll due to the earthquake to date has reached 331 people.

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Assistance for residents also continues to arrive, including from the company SiCepat Ekspres through the SiCepat Cares program in collaboration with the Badan Amil Zakat Nasional which distributes basic needs in the form of snacks and medicines, toiletries, and logistics for evacuation.

Chief Executive Officer of SiCepat Ekspres, The Kim Hai through an official statement, said that this logistical assistance is a form of company concern for refugees in helping to meet post-disaster needs.

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"Through this logistical assistance, we hope to ease the burden on refugees affected by the earthquake in Cianjur," he said.

Aid for Cianjur earthquake victims

Photo :
  • SiCepat

SiCepat Ekspres also helped Baznas, by freeing up the delivery of donations that had been collected by BenihBaik for the victims affected by the earthquake at the Cianjur Regency evacuation post.

Previously,  they also collaborated with Indonesia Definitely Can in lending two blindvan cars to the Cianjur Police to help distribute donations.

"We will distribute this assistance to these posts as well as public kitchens," said the Head of the BAZNAS CSR Collection Division, Budi Setiawan.

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