Government Will Provide Subsidies for Electric Motorcycle Buyers
- NTMCPolri
VIVA – The Indonesian government continues to encourage people to switch vehicles to conventional engines to become electricity. This aims to reduce exhaust emissions to be more environmentally friendly. Therefore, the government will provide a subsidy for the purchase of electric motors.
As known, the use of vehicles in Indonesia is still dominated by motorcycle because it easier to operate and suitable for daily activities. Even some automotive manufacturers began to introduce and sell electric-based motorcycles.
Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves), Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, made a plan regarding the ease of purchasing environmentally friendly vehicles. The plan is in the form of subsidies to make the price more affordable.
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.
- VIVA/Maha Liarosh (Bali)
"If you want to change your motorcycle to electricity next year, yes. Later, you can subsidize the purchase of electric vehicles, especially motorbikes with a range of IDR 6 million to IDR6.5 million," Minister Luhut revealed, as quoted from VIVA automotive, on Thursday, December 1, 2022.
Furthermore, Minister Luhut Binsar informed that the use of electric vehicles will save funds for the purchase of fuel oil (BBM). So, his party advises potential consumers to buy environmentally friendly vehicles.
"We have calculated that it will still be more profitable to use an electric motorcycle than a conventional motorcycle, and so is a car. So if you want to sell electric vehicles in the future, selling this is better," Luhut remarked.
It is known, there are various benefits if people have switched to using electric vehicles. Not only minimizing the use of fuel but also better air quality in the future.
For information, Indonesia currently has a target of at least 1.2 million units of motorbikes and 35,000 units of electric cars successfully used or sold by 2024. Therefore, if the government is carrying out this plan then the target can be achieved.