Six Interesting Facts about December, It Has Another Name
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VIVA – December is the last month of the Gregorian Calendar and is symbolized by the Narcissus flower and the gemstone blue turquoise or zircon. December comes from the word Decem which means ten in Roman. Originally, the Gregorian calendar was not yet known as it is today and only had 10 months in a year.
So, it started in March, without January and February. However, December was then used as the twelfth and has not been changed to any other name to date. Here are other interesting facts about December, as reported by various sources.
1. Month with the Least Sunlight
Sinar Matahari.
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December is not only the month of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere. December also marks one of the most unique phenomena of the year; the least amount of sunlight on Earth.
In 4-season countries, December is the time of winter. While in tropical countries like Indonesia, December becomes the rainy season when less sunlight enters. In the UK, December is when there is the least amount of sunlight throughout the month.
2. Saturnalia Festival
In December the Romans celebrated the Saturnalia festival every year which was held in mid-December. Saturnalia was a festival dedicated to Saturn, the seed god and plant according to Roman belief.
According to legend, Saturn once ruled Rome, during a time known as the Golden Era in Roman mythology. The god forbade farming to his people, so it's clear why Saturn was popular and why the Romans honored him with their biggest festival.
3. Sagittarius and Capricorn Moon
Zodiak Sagitarius
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Those born in December can be born under one of two very different star signs. If you’re born before December 23rd, then you have the sign of Sagittarius. Those born December 23rd or later have the sign of Capricorn.
If you’re a Sagittarius, you’re said to be energetic and idealistic while also generous and open-minded. If you’re born under the sign of Capricorn, then you’re said to be ambitious yet realistic, persistent yet practical.
4. Originally, It Only Has 30 Days
- U-Report
December originally had just 30 days according to the ancient Roman calendar. When the calendar was changed to the Julian calendar, December gained a day, making it the seventh and last month in the year with 31 days.
5. Other Names of December
Ilustrasi kalender
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The Anglo-Saxons gave December the name 'Yule Monath' which relates to the custom of burning Yule logs during this month. While this practice began to disappear over time, some in other parts of the world still celebrate it.
The new name for December came about after many Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity. In line with their new faith, they referred to December as 'Heligh Monath' which translates to 'Holy Month'.
6. Christmas’ Month
Hari Natal
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December is associated with Christmas day in many countries. There are Christmas decorations, sales, musicals, and parties. Many people spend their time Christmas shopping. As a result, a lot of people have time off work around Christmas and before New Year’s Eve.