Apjatel Meeting Focuses on Developing Digital Transformation

Sumber :
  • Arianti Widya

VIVA – The Association of Telecommunications Network Operators (APJATEL) held a National Working Meeting (Rakernas) with the theme Acceleration, Collaboration, and Synergy in the Sovereignty of Indonesia's Digital Transformation on 29 November 2022. The Rakernas APJATEL for this year focuses on developing digital transformation that can support Indonesia's sustainable economic growth.

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As information, the government has launched a digital transformation program to encourage wider adoption of digital technology, to support economic growth in Indonesia, including investment.

The event held at Le Meridien Hotel Jakarta was attended by the Director General of Post and Information Resources and Devices (Dirjen SDPPI) of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo), Ismail, representing the presence of the Minister of Kominfo Johnny G. Plate S, E. Also present were the Chairman of the APJATEL Supervisory Board, Gelumbang Menak, and the Chairman of APJATEL, Jerry Siregar.

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Photo :
  • Arianti Widya

In the implementation of digital transformation, support is needed from the availability of quality digital infrastructure evenly distributed to remote areas of the country. It starts to be important to encourage the spread of digital content. So, it can reach the wider community.

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"This year's Rakernas APJATEL focuses on the steps that need to be taken in supporting and realizing the national digital transformation program. Part of the steps that we think need to be taken is the preparation of comprehensive and national regulations,” APJATEL Chairman, Jerry Siregar stated.

Moreover, there are still many obstacles faced by telecommunications providers in Indonesia, one is the application of rental price fees by the Regional Government for the implementation of telecommunications networks in the region. This condition causes high costs on the public side when accessing the internet.

“Then, we also hope that this Rakernas can also convey messages and provide information in the form of guidelines or references in the form of policies or regulations as a form of support for the telecommunications infrastructure development process in realizing digital transformation in our country," Jerry Siregar explained.

Furthermore, this is also in line with President Joko Widodo's direction to accelerate the expansion of access, improvement of digital infrastructure, and provision of internet services for the Indonesian people. 

In the future, the expected understanding includes acceleration, collaboration, and synergy between the central government, local government, and related institutions and agencies in realizing national digital transformation. It will also determine the development of digital economy investment in Indonesia.

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