Special Friendship Between Sri Mulyani-Retno Marsudi for 43 Years
- Website/setkab.go.id
VIVA – During the last day of the G20 about two weeks ago, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi were seen hugging after President Joko Widodo officially handed over the G20 Presidency baton to India and marked Indonesia's G20 Presidency ended for about a year.
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani and Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi expressed gratitude for the success of the G20. It is known that the role of Sri Mulyani and Retno Marsudi is quite large in the implementation of the G20 assisted by other stakeholders. They are both referred to as duo Indonesian Srikandi (Female figure in Indonesian puppetry who has strong and independent characters).
Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi
- VIVA/M Ali Wafa
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi said that in the Indonesian G20 Presidency, as Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani plays a major role in the financial track while as Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi is in charge of the Sherpa track.
"The G20 has a finance track, so there is a financial track, there is a sherpa track which is more about the overall economy and development, and we are the guardians of each track. Mrs. Minister of Finance is on the finance track, while I am on the Sherpa track," Retno Marsudi remarked.
Retno said that as work partners and friends, she and Sri Mulyani often discuss the preparation and progress of Indonesia's G20 Presidency.
"(Discussing]) where (the progress) is, what should be strengthened, what and this, and so on. But, because we are old friends, the communication is more comfortable," the Foreign Minister said.
Moreover, it turns out that Retno Marsudi and Sri Mulyani are friends from high school, namely at SMA Negeri 3 Semarang, Central Java. As of this year, their friendship has lasted 43 years.
"We have been friends for how many years? If it's 2022, we've been friends since '79. We went to high school together, and then Ani, Mrs. Minister of Finance, I call her Ani, Ani went to UI (University of Indonesia), I went to UGM (Gadjah Mada University)," Retno Marsudi explained.
Before they both helped President Jokowi in the government cabinet, the two women of the Indonesia Maju Cabinet also met often. Retno Marsudi shared a moment when Sri Mulyani, who at that time was still in charge of the World Bank, invited her to eat together.
Retno Marsudi and Sri Mulyani also often share moments of friendship on their respective personal Instagram accounts. Then, when Retno attended the ceremony of Sri Mulyani's youngest son, Luqman Indra Pambudi Sumartono in July.
Not only Retno, but Sri Mulyani also shared the long story of their friendship on Podkabs. Sri Mulyani revealed that despite being in the same high school, they chose different majors.
Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati..
- istimewa
"In high school, I have a lot of activities, Retno also has a lot of activities. She was in Scouts of all kinds, while I was in the student council. I was once the head of the student council, I was a Paskibraka, and sports, the school volleyball team, and karate I participated in, so I was all kinds. But I know Retno and me, even though we were never in the same class," Sri Mulyani explained.
Sri Mulyani said she was happy when she has known that she and Retno Marsudi were asked by President Joko Widodo to join the government cabinet together.
"When I was called by Mr. Jokowi again to join, and I knew that my friend Retno was there, we became even closer. I'm happy, it's rare for a cabinet to be from the same high school, so we feel there is a special relationship and it's good, then talking with Retno is good," Sri Mulyani stated.