16 Categories for Best Cyber Media at AMSI Awards 2022

AMSI Awards 2022.
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VIVA – For the first time, the Indonesian Cyber Media Association (AMSI) held an award event for the best national and local cyber media. The event titled AMSI Awards 2022 consists of 16 categories. This award event was held at JS Luwansa Hotel, South Jakarta, Wednesday night, November 23, 2022.

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The Chairman of the Committee, Adi Prasetya, said in his speech that this event was held for the first time by AMSI as a "celebration" or "graduation" for AMSI member cyber media have achieved in the last two years.

"We have both gone through a difficult time, namely the COVID-19 pandemic. Two years is a difficult time, but as media, we still try to be present and exist to present quality content. Hopefully, this AMSI Awards event can be an encouragement for AMSI member media in the future to be better and healthier in business," Adi Prasetya explained.

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AMSI Awards 2022

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Meanwhile, AMSI Chairman, Wenseslaus Manggut admitted that AMSI was present five years ago in the midst of a hoax. AMSI realized by mapping internal problems, one is content, Wenseslaus said.

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"The presence of AMSI Awards 2022 is an answer that AMSI member media still provide the best content, even when facing difficult times. It's time we absent ourselves," Wenseslaus explained.

A member of the Press Council for the 2022-2025 period, Asmono Wikan attended the AMSI Awards 2022 and appreciated AMSI's activities. According to Asmono, this activity is an encouragement for AMSI members to be aware of providing actual and healthy content and information to the public.

"On behalf of the Press Council, we appreciate AMSI's performance and give the highest appreciation for the efforts to advance both national and local media," Asmono Wikan remarked.

A total of 121 national and local media that are members of AMSI participated in the AMSI Awards. The jury consisted of Yosep Adi Prasetyo, Ignasius Haryanto, Ninik Rahayu, Eric Sasono, and Kristy Nelwan.

So, here are the winners of the AMSI Awards 2022:

Local Media

- Media category with the best content growth: Tribun Kaltim

- Media category with the best business growth: BeritaJatim

- Media category with the best technology innovation: HarapanRakyat

- Media category with the best content distribution: WartaBromo

- Media category with the best audio and video content innovation: Sukabumi update

- Media category with the best website design: BeritaBeta

- Media category with the best management: Solopos

- Media category with the best brand growth: BeritaJatim

National Media

- Media category with the best content growth: Tempo

- Media category with the best business growth: Hukum Online

- Media category with the best technology innovation: Suara

- Media category with the best content distribution: The Conversation

- Media category with the best audio and video content innovation: KBR

- Media category with the best management: Hukum Online

- Media category with the best brand growth: HaiBunda

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