Comparison of Minimum Wage and Average Salary in ASEAN Countries
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VIVA – The government has set a 2023 minimum wage increase with a maximum amount of 10 percent. The regulation has become law on Thursday, November 17, 2022, which is contained in the Minister of Manpower Regulation (Permenaker) Number 18 of 2022.
This regulation is concerning about the Determination of the Minimum Wage for 2023. The latest Permenaker received various responses from laborers/workers and employers.
Then, with the amount of the 2023 wage increase of 10 percent, well, how is the condition of Indonesia's average salary and minimum wage when compared to ASEAN countries?
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As reported through the latest Wage Center data, Brunei Darussalam is the country with the highest average salary in ASEAN. Then, Singapore is in second place.
It is recorded that the average salary of workers in Brunei Darussalam is US $ 3,550 or 4,780 Brunei dollars per month, or in rupiah currency of IDR 54,939,500 (assuming an exchange rate of 15,697 per US$).
Indonesia's salary is below Singapore and Malaysia
Still based on these data, the position of the average salary and wages of workers in Indonesia is still below the neighboring country, Malaysia.
The average salary for workers in Indonesia is in the range of IDR 8 million to IDR 9 million per month or US$560-US$630. Meanwhile, the minimum wage in 2022 was recorded at IDR 1,840,915-IDR 4,641,854 per month or US$130-US$325.
Salary position and a minimum wage of workers in ASEAN, 2022.
1. Brunei Darussalam
Average salary US$3,550
2. Singapore
Average salary is US$3,415, with a minimum wage of US$1,020
3. Malaysia
Average salary US$600, with a minimum wage of US$265-US$285
4. Indonesia
The average salary is US$560-US$630, with a minimum wage of US$130-US$325.
5. Philippines
The average salary is US$485-US$585, with a minimum wage of US$6-US$11.
6. Thailand
The average salary is US$435 per month, and the minimum wage is US$9.2-US$9.8.
7. Vietnam
Average salary US$315 per month, and minimum wage US$135-US$195
8. Cambodia
The average salary of US$250-US$300 per month, and a minimum wage of US$194 per month
9. Laos
The average salary of US$195 per month, and the minimum wage of US$95.
10. Timor Leste
The average salary of US$175 per month, and the minimum wage of US$115.
11. Myanmar
The average salary is US$155 per month, and the minimum wage is US$3.