Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Leaves Early at G20 Summit

Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia, Sergey Lavrov di KTT G20 Bali
Sumber :
  • Bay Ismoyo/Pool Photo via AP

VIVA – The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is known to have left early at the G20 Summit on November 15, 2022. Minister Lavrov's plane left Denpasar International Airport and headed to Russia. This is because he has completed his program at the G20 Summit in Bali.

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The G20 Summit was held on the Indonesian island of Bali on November 15 to 16, 2022. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov spoke at a plenary meeting on food and energy security issues at the second session on global health.

Not only that, but he also held several bilateral meetings, including with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister; Wang Yi, UN Secretary-General; Antonio Guterres, and Foreign Minister of Turkey; Mevlut Cavusoglu.

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Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia Sergey Lavrov.

Photo :
  • youtube Sekretariat Presiden

Minister Sergey Lavrov is also known to have spoken briefly with French President; Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor; Olaf Scholz.

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As quoted from the Russian news agency TASS, Wednesday, November 16, 2022, Lavrov's program at the G20 summit ended on November 15 as expected.

At the G20 Summit, it is known that 17 countries declared their presence at the meeting. On the first day, the meeting took place in two sessions.

The first session discussed fertilizer, the importance of stopping wars, and global food that is of concern to the world. As for the second session, the leaders discussed global health.

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