Here is Merah Putih Electric Buses Schedule for G20 Summit

Menhub Budi jajal bus listrik Merah Putih.
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  • Dokumentasi Kemenhub.

VIVA – Ahead of the G20 Summit in Bali, the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, checked the Merah Putih electric buses facilities. Later, this bus will be used as a shuttle to serve the delegates and participants of the G20 Summit.

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Minister Budi emphasized that his party wants to ensure that operation of the domestically made electric bus can run well.

"I tried the electric bus made by the youth nations, the result of collaboration between the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Research and Technology, INKA, and several universities in Indonesia. The domestic component level of this electric bus is more than 50 percent. This is the result of our struggle, and it becomes our pride at this G20 moment," Minister Budi remarked in Bali, on November 10, 2022.

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He appreciated the parties who have realized the hope of making this electric bus a supporter of the smooth mobility of the G20 delegates and participants.

Menhub Budi cek Bus Listrik Merah Putih.

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  • Dokumentasi Kemenhub.
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"I am proud of what has been done. If something is not optimal, we must learn and improve again. Because Mr. President said we have to try. Insya Allah, this effort can give a good meaning to the nation," he added.

Furthermore, Budi Karya Sumadi revealed that the electric buses used at the G20 event will later be used as urban mass transportation in the cities of Bandung, Surabaya, and also Bali, through the Buy the Service (BTS) program from the Ministry of Transportation which will be operated by DAMRI.

A total of 30 units of Merah Putih electric buses consisting of medium and large buses. These buses will operate in the Nusa Dua area, Sawangan area, Samabe, and the Bali G20 Summit venue area. The planned operational schedule for the electric buses is from November 11 to 17, 2022, with operating hours from 6 AM in Western Indonesia Time to 10 PM in Western Indonesia Time.

In addition to the Merah Putih bus, electric buses are also imported from various parties such as the University of Indonesia, and some domestic automotive manufacturers. The total number of electric buses operating to serve the mobility of the G20 Summit is 41 units, consisting of medium and large buses.

The provision of electric vehicles at the G20 event is proof of Indonesia's commitment to realizing the energy transition from fossil to renewable energy (EBT) which is more environmentally friendly. As a join effort with countries around the world to overcome the energy crisis and deal with climate change.

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