Five Shocking Daily Habits of Highly Intelligent People

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  • U-Report

VIVA – Intelligence cannot be measured through the habits that people do every day. However, researchers managed to find interesting facts about people with high Intelligence Quotient or IQ, having surprising habits that are not done by people in general.

5 Tips Hidup Hemat yang Masih Relevan Hingga Saat Ini, Sudah Ada Sejak Tahun 1950-an

As reported by, intelligence is difficult to measure, but science has linked habits to higher levels of learning, problem-solving, and creativity. Here are some shocking daily habits of people with high IQs.

1. Love Talk Alone

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The most common habit of high IQ people is talking to themselves or talking alone. This habit can unconsciously improve memory and strengthen the sharpness of brain work. People who like to talk to themselves are often considered crazy, even though it is considered a habit of geniuses.

Terungkap, Anak Bos Toko Roti yang Aniaya Karyawan Ternyata Punya Keterbelakangan IQ dan EQ

2. Realize the Shortcomings

Pria memiliki iq yang tinggi.

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Many people may think smart people have high self-confidence. However, research shows the opposite to be true. In a 1999 study from Cornell University, scientists found that ordinary people are unable to recognize their incompetence, leading to inflated self-assessments.

In contrast, the study found that high IQ people tend to underestimate their abilities. That's because they know how much knowledge is out there. Instead of being overconfident, they tend to criticize themselves.

3. Happy to be Alone

Ilustrasi pria duduk sendiri.

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People with above-average intelligence usually like to be alone or have 'me time' by spending time without noise. They also usually find crowds uncomfortable.

This was revealed by two researchers Norman Li from Singapore Management University and Satoshi Kanazawa from The London School of Economics and Political Science through a study entitled 'Country roads, take me home... to my friends: How intelligence, population density, and friendship affect modern happiness.'

4. Admit and Evaluate the Mistake

Many people tend to feel self-righteous even though they are actually in the wrong position. Unlike people with a high IQ, they have a brain that can understand other people's points of view and are not afraid to admit mistakes and evaluate them.

5. Like to Stay up Late

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Most people will associate staying up late with health conditions. But in terms of the habits of high IQ people, they think that staying up late will give them more time to think and work.

Usually, people with high IQs tend to have fewer hours of sleep. They prefer to spend their rest time with productive things. However, staying up too late is also not recommended from a medical perspective because it can affect health.

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