The Ministry of Industry Launches Electric Bikes Made by IKM

The Ministry of Industry Launches Electric Bikes Made by IKM
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  • Antara

VIVA – The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) with the Provincial Government of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and bicycle manufacturer PT Juara Bike (Selis) launched a prototype electric bike made by Small and Medium Industries (IKM).

It is support for strengthening the role of SMEs in the development of the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia.

According to the Director General of Small, Medium, and Multifarious Industries (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry, Reni Yanita on October 31, 2022, said that electric bikes craftsmen who launched prototypes have received assistance from the government and large manufacturers.

"So far, the Ministry of Industry continues to support the strengthening of the role of IKM in the development of the electric vehicle ecosystem, including by implementing Technical Guidance on Diversification of IKM Products for Automotive Components Supporting Electric Vehicles.

Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia / Kemenperin RI

Photo :
  • vivanews/Andry Daud

At the technical guidance event for IKM electric bicycles in NTB, the participants were selected by Experts from Selis and five participants were obtained who received assistance in the Assistance activity for Making Prototypes of Electric Bikes Made by IKM in collaboration with Big Industries.

The selected SMIs were Le-Bui from West Lombok Regency, NgebUTS from Sumbawa Regency, Fi-Bike from Bima City, Mori Taho from Dompu Regency, and SMKN 3 Mataram from Mataram City.

"The Ministry of Industry guides with a partnership strategy approach in encouraging business cooperation between the NTB electric bicycle SMEs and the large bicycle industry. For this reason, the Ministry of Industry is in synergy with PT Champion Bike in providing technical assistance for IKM transportation equipment during August-October 2022," Reni Yanita explained.

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Reni also conveyed that after receiving assistance from large industry experts, the electric bicycle IKM in NTB is expected to be able to improve production technical competence and provide after-sales service so that public confidence in domestic electric vehicle products can grow.

"We hope that all selected SMIs can take advantage of this opportunity as well as possible, and make this activity a moment to increase networks with other IKM actors and with the NTB Provincial Government," Reni remarked.

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Reni assessed the industry's domestic ability to make electric bicycles. In the province of NTB, SMEs have been able to produce electric bicycles and have even received serious attention from the local government in supporting the development of the electric vehicle industry.

"The opportunity for using electric vehicles in NTB is currently open, starting from Gili Trawangan Island which is known as a motorized vehicle-free area to the existence of the Mandalika Circuit is an attraction for local and international tourists. SMEs have an important role in developing an eco-friendly electric vehicle ecosystem in NTB,” Reni said.

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She hopes with the growth of the electric vehicle ecosystem in West Nusa Tenggara, both electric bicycles and motorcycles can become environmentally friendly transportation facilities for tourists who come to the area.

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