Indonesian Team Successfully Fight for Data Governance Principles

Menkominfo RI, Johnny G. Plate
Sumber :
  • Dok. Humas Kominfo

VIVA – The Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Johnny G. Plate appreciates the work of the Indonesian team in fighting for the principles of data governance at international forums and supporting the development of a data-based economy for the future.

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"Data has a very high economic value, what it is said now, data is the new gold, new platinum, but also data related to geostrategy, geopolitics and the sovereignty of a nation, so this is very important," Minister Johnny said during the DEWG-DEMM Activity Evaluation event The G20 and the Election of Indonesia as a Member of the ITU Council for the Period 2023-2026, in a press release, Tuesday.

Minister Johnny stated that in a series of G20 Digital Economy Working Group (DEWG) meetings, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has prepared three agendas, namely Connectivity and Post Covid-19 Recovery, Digital Literacy and Digital Skills, and Cross-Border Data Flows with Trust (DDBDF) and Data Free-Flow with Trust (DFFT).

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"The Ministry of Communication and Information is trying to fight for the third priority issue in the DEWG internationally. It is because Indonesia needs to have prepositions and the issue of data is significant to discuss at this time," Minister Johnny remarked.

Menkominfo Johnny G Plate.

Photo :
  • Dok. Humas Kominfo
Kemkomdigi Perkuat Tata Kelola Digital dengan Sistem SAMAN

The Indonesian government offers four principles in discussing issues regarding CBDF and DFFT including lawfulness, fairness, transparency, and reciprocity.

The Minister of Communication and Information admits that the adoption of the four principles of data governance is not an easy task. Therefore, Minister Johnny conveyed his appreciation for the Indonesian team’s work.

“I thank you that it went well, I think we need to give applause and congratulations,” Minister Johnny G. Plate remarked.

The G20 DEWG-DEMM Activity Evaluation Event and the Election of Indonesia as a Member of the ITU Council for the 2023-2026 Period were attended by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Mira Tayyiba.

Also, Director General of SDPPI, Ismail; President Director of the Telecommunication and Information Accessibility Agency, Anang Latif; Special Staff of the Minister of Communication and Information for Digital Policy and Human Resource Development, Dedy Permadi; and the Special Staff of the Minister of Communication and Information for Political Communication, Philip Gobang.

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