Satu Indonesia Awards as Form of Astra Appreciates Youth Spirits

SATU Indonesia Awards from ASTRA
Sumber :
  • Arianti Widya's

VIVA – In commemoration of Astra's 65th Anniversary, Astra held the 13th Integrated For Indonesia (SATU) Indonesia Award 2022 at Menara Astra, Central Jakarta, on Friday, October 28, 2022.

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This award ceremony has been going on since 2010. Until now, Satu Indonesia Awards has given appreciation to 493 young people at the national and provincial levels spread throughout Indonesia. Of these, 15 recipients of appreciation have collaborated with Astra's flagship social contribution programs, namely Kampung Berseri Astra and Desa Sejahtera Astra.

President Director of Astra, Djony Bunarto Tjondro, in his remarks, said that the implementation of the Satu Indonesia Awards was given to people who benefited in the fields of health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, and technology.

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"The holding of the Satu Indonesia Awards is a form of Astra's appreciation for the spirit of young people throughout Indonesia who are united in building the nation by providing benefits to the surrounding community in the fields of health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, and technology," Djony Bunarto Tjondro said in Jakarta on Friday, October 28, 2022.

SATU Indonesia Awards from ASTRA

Photo :
  • Arianti Widya
Tarif Tol Tangerang-Merak Bakal Naik, Segini Besarannya

Furthermore, Djoni stated that the number of registrants for the SATU Indonesia Award 2022 had increased compared to the previous year's registrants. He said the number increased 8.6 percent to 13,459 this year.

"For the record, in the first year of the SATU Indonesia Award in 2010, there were only 120 registrants. Until now, the SATU Indonesia Award has given appreciation to 493 young people at the national and provincial levels spread throughout Indonesia," he said.

Six people received awards, namely in the Health Sector; Justitia Avila Veda as a friend of Victims from the Sexual Violence who dare to fight against these crimes. Then, Education Sector; Bhrisco Jordy Dudi Padatu, Pelita Extension from "Pulau Mansinam" who struggles to provide education for children on this island in eastern Indonesia.

After that, there is the field of Environment; David Hidayat, a Marine Guard from Pesisir Selatan who continues to protect the coastal environment in West Sumatra. Then, Entrepreneurship Sector;  Alfira Oktaviani, Bengkulu Lantung Fabric Conservationist. She uses lantung wood for her pioneering eco print business.

From Technology Sector; Paundra Noorbaskoro, Technology-Based Environmentally Friendly Shrimp Cultivator. Paundra invites shrimp farmers to use data-driven to improve shrimp quality. So, it can be harvested up to 90%.

Not only that, but Astra also gave awards in the field of Group; Autistic Friends Fighters. This community is trying to create an inclusive culture by campaigning that autism is not a disease but just a difference.

The judging of the 13th SATU Indonesia Awards this time was carried out last September and was assessed directly by experts, such as Postgraduate Environmental Science Lecturer at the University of Indonesia: Prof. Emil Halim, Lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine: Prof. Nila Moeloek,

Also, Information Technology Expert: Onno W Purbo, President Director of PT Tempo Inti Media: Arif Zulkifli, Head of Corporate Communication Astra: Boy Kenala Soebroto, and Head of Environment and Social Responsibility ASTRA: Diah Suran Febrianti.

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