Immune System Role in the Cognitive Development of Children

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VIVA – Cognitive abilities play a significant role in the future success of children. Parents must prepare their children could grow and develop into children who are ready to be competent, and confident in dealing with every challenges. It turns out that the role of immune system greatly affects cognitive abilities.

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As a company that cares about children's growth and development, Danone Specialized Nutrition Indonesia held educational activities for parents through a webinar titled ‘Bicara Gizi’ with the topic 'Maksimalkan Perkembangan Kognitif Anak Melalui Daya Tahan Tubuh dan Stimulasi yang Tepat’ on October 26, 2022.

This Webinar was attended by a Pediatrician and Allergy Immunology Consultant, CEO & Founder of Personal Growth, Senior Clinical Psychologist, and Parenting Expert, as well as Medical & Scientific Affairs Director Danone Indonesia.

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Pediatrician Consultant Allergy Immunology, dr. Molly Dumakuri Oktarina, Sp. A(K), stated that the cognitive development of children is strongly influenced by a healthy immune system because it will indirectly increase the child's body power to become stronger.

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“Optimal cognitive development in children is strongly influenced by a healthy immune system because the immune system plays an important role in brain development. An immune system that is not properly regulated will cause a child's brain development (cognitive and behavioral) disorders and make the child's immune system increase,” dr. Molly said.

Not only that, according to dr. Molly, providing good nutrition can also increase the maturity of the immune system.

"Good nutrition will increase the maturity and maturity of the immune system. The intake of nutrients needed by children to build body cells to encourage cognitive development includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, phytochemicals, prebiotics, and probiotics.” dr. Molly added.

On the same occasion, Clinical Psychology, Parenting Expert, CEO & Founder of Personal Growth, Ratih Ibrahim, M.M., conveyed that besides nutrition, children need to get appropriate stimulation to encourage their cognitive development.

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According to dr. Ratih, parents can use eight aspects of cognitive development to understand the multidimensional and complex cognitive development of children. The eight aspects are attention, focus, memory, language, psychomotor, logic, reasoning, and decision-making.

"For this reason, it is important for parents to pay close attention to their child's cognitive development through a series of tests or examinations regularly. By understanding the important things that can support cognitive development in children, parents have equipped children with winning souls, and are ready to face a competitive future.”

As a company that cares about the health and nutritional adequacy of the people in Indonesia, Danone SN Indonesia hopes to provide more education, especially to parents. Danone SN Indonesia has the mission of bringing health to as many people as possible.

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