BSSN Prepares Maximum Cyber Security Ahead of G20 Summit

The spokesperson of BSSN, Ariandi Putra
Sumber :
  • Screenshot from FMB9ID_IKP YouTube Account

VIVA – The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) has prepared cyber security for the G20 Summit as a whole, from before, during, to post-implementation. The spokesperson for BSSN, Ariandi Putra, stated that BSSN has carried out various plans since last July.

"Until now, BSSN has carried out various series of cyber security plans that we even started before the implementation last July. So, we have started in July until later during the implementation and post-implementation of the G20 Summit," Ariandi Putra said at the #G20updates press conference themed "G20 Summit Cybersecurity", through the YouTube channel FMB9ID_IKP in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 25, 2022.

In cyber security at the G20 Summit, Ariandi said BSSN plays a role as a sector leader and is tasked with collaborating on several cyber security plans which are also carried out by other stakeholders, such as the National Police, TNI, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemkominfo), as well as some related ministries/institutions, other.

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Photo :
  • VIVA/Fikri Halim

According to him, BSSN also cooperates with various internet network providers as well as event organizers who are in charge of the G20 Summit performances. The series of cooperation has even been carried out by BSSN since last July.

Furthermore, Ariandi explained the steps taken by BSSN related to cyber security at the G20 Summit. In that case, BSSN formulated three cyber security support clusters, which consist of security before, during, and after the event.

"We do this to maximize and see how the ideal situation for cyber security is to be carried out during the main event on November 15 and 16," Ariandi Putra remarked.

First, before the G20 Summit, BSSN audited the information security management system, measured the maturity level of cyber security, monitored traffic anomalies (flows) based on the National Security Operation Center (NSOC) monitoring report owned by BSSN, and mapped out potential cyber threats.

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Second, during the G20 Summit, BSSN will monitor cyber flows and incident information, secure signals and counter sensing, as well as carry out digital forensics and response to cyber incidents that occur.

"After the event, we will not abandon the event (G20 Summit). We are also still working, still doing various things, including the identification of cybersecurity vulnerabilities," Ariandi Putra said.

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Then, BSSN also conducts mapping of potential threats to data disclosure and continues to carry out digital forensics and responses to cyber incidents that occur.

Through this series of security measures, BSSN hopes that the ideal situation for cybersecurity at the G20 Summit in Nusa Dua Bali, on November 15 to 16, 2022 will actually materialize and be implemented properly.

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