HIMPUNI Assists G20 Realize the Sustainable Energy Transition
- VIVA/Fikri Halim
VIVA – One of the priorities of the G20 Indonesia Presidency is the transition of energy from fossil-based to sustainable energy. HIMPUNI as an association of alumni organizations of state universities throughout Indonesia is helping the G20 to realize this one priority.
"HIMPUNI as an association of alumni organizations of state universities throughout Indonesia is called to participate in thinking about the best way to make the energy transition," Coordinator of the HIMPUNI Presidium, Sutopo Kristanto remarked, on October 24, 2022, in Jakarta.
This energy transition step is part of efforts to ensure energy security for the global community, besides making the world cleaner, the challenge of a sustainable energy transition is a very big investment.
Therefore, said Sutopo, HIMPUNI will cooperate with T20 Indonesia and U20 Indonesia to organize the G20 side event with the theme "Guarding Energy Transition in Indonesia and Beyond: High-Level Policy Discussion on Promoting Investment, Financing, and Development of Renewable and Green Energy".
Later, this event will be held on Tuesday, October 25 to 26, 2022 at IPB Convention and Exhibition, Bogor.
As known, T20 or Think20 is a “knowledge/idea bank” for the G20. In line with this role, T20 becomes a forum for global think tanks and experts to present a comprehensive analysis of the ongoing discussions at the G20.
And also generate ideas to support the G20 in producing concrete and sustainable policies. The final results of the T20 were presented to the G20 working groups, ministers, and state leaders as a policy alternative, not a recommendation.
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- indoenergi.com
Meanwhile, U20 or Urban20 is a forum for local government leaders of U20 cities, to take action on global climate and sustainable development to national leaders. This group has the purpose to bring urban issues to the forefront of the G20 agenda.
Meanwhile, HIMPUNI is an association of Indonesian PTN alumni organizations. HIMPUNI members continue to grow. Currently, 44 PTNs have joined from Aceh to Papua.
Sutopo explained that in accelerating the transition to sustainable energy, Indonesia continues to strive to accelerate the formation of an electric motor vehicle ecosystem, and the transition from fossil energy power plants to green power plants.
The acceleration of the energy transition in Indonesia is estimated to require an investment of USD 1 trillion by 2060, for new and renewable energy generation and transmission. The amount of funding requires collaboration and mobilization of various alternative funding and financial sources from both public and private companies. Because of this, HIMPUNI wants to help accelerate its realization.
Meanwhile, the Secretary General of HIMPUNI, Irawati Hermawan, added that the first day's discussion activities were divided into two sessions. The first session explained the direction of the development of the electric car ecosystem in Indonesia.
"In this session, the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, will present a roadmap for the transition of fossil fuel vehicles to electric vehicles," Irawati Hermawan remarked.
Other speakers were the President Director of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) (PLN); Darmawan Prasodjo, President Director of PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia, Partner, and Industry Leader Deloitte; Raj Kannan, and Harita Nickel Director; Tonny H. Gultom.
In the next session, the DPR presented dialogue with the relevant ministers, namely the Chair of House Representative; Puan Maharani, Minister of BUMN; Erick Thohir, and Minister of ESDM; Arifin Tasrif.
At the session, there will be a panel discussion that will bring together Pertamina's Managing Director; Nicke Widyawati, Edwin Syahruzad, President Director of PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur, National Energy Council Member; Satya Yudha, and Rahul Kar from Deloitte.
On the second day, this event will be filled with "Governers Forum" themed "The Urban Strategy on The Transition of Fossil Power Plants to Green Power Plants and Electric Vehicle Ecosystems".
Present at this session were Central Java Governor; Ganjar Pranowo, West Java Governor; Ridwan Kamil, East Kalimantan Governor; Isran Noor, East Java Governor; Khofifah Indar Parawansa, and Acting Governor of Bangka Belitung; Ridwan Djamaluddin.
Irawati revealed, for people who are interested in participating in this activity, they can register online via the link https://bit.ly/T20EventbyHIMPUNI. "Please attend free of charge, as long as you register," said Irawati.