Six Things Cats Like the Most Besides Food

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  • Pixabay

VIVA – Cats are one of the most loved animals by people. Cats are known to have unique and adorable behavior. It turns out that there are some things that cats love the most besides food.

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As a cat owner or keeper, you must pay attention to the needs or what cats like. Maybe at first, cats like to play with fur, but after that, they will get bored. Well, then, you have to find out more about what cats like most and they will be happier and healthier. Well, here are some things that cats love.

1. Cats Like Sleeping and Napping

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  • Pexels

One thing is no secret; cats love to sleep and nap. In fact, the average cat can sleep for 12 to 16 hours per day. That's because cats are nocturnal creatures.

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For information, kittens and older cats will spend more time sleeping than teenage cats. However, if you are concerned that your cat is sleeping too much, you can consult with your veterinarian.

2. Cats Like Grooming Themselves and Being Groomed

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  • Pixabay

Adult cats usually spend about half of their waking hours grooming because self-cleaning keeps them clean. Not only helps cats remove dirt from their furs, but grooming also prevents predators and prey from detecting them because cat licks remove odors they absorb.

In addition, it keeps their skin and coat healthy, relaxes them, helps them bond with other cats, and cools them down.

3. Cats Like and Need to Scratch

Ilustrasi kucing.

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  • U-Report

Cats like to scratch because it is one of their basic instincts of cats to sharpen their claws by clawing at different surfaces. Cats will also get a lot of fun from scratch.

Apart from sharpening their claws, scratching can help to relax and recover your cat. A quick scratching session on a cat tree or scratching post can wake a tired cat.

4. Cats Like to Playtime Everyday

Ilustrasi kucing.

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  • U-Report

Playtime is what cats love most, from kittenhood to old age. It doesn't take much to keep cats entertained, as they will play with anything from fiber to other items.

Play is a significant part of their health and development. Playtime not only harks back to their days in the wild when they had to stalk, hunt, and catch their prey, but it also keeps them exercising and happy.

5. Cats Love Their Humans

Memelihara kucing

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  • U-Report

Although cats are often portraying as solitary animals, they need love, attention, and human companionship to nurture them. It's just that the way cats say "I love you" is a little different from humans.

Some signs a cat loves you include purring, laying its head on you, sleeping or being near you, meowing, licking, and even sticking its butt against your face.

6. Cats Like to Watch Birds

kucing maine coon

Photo :
  • Nortlio/Wikimedia

Cats love watching birds because they want to prey or simply because the movement of birds attracts cats so much. Some cats can spend hours just watching birds every day.

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