The Seriousness of Government in Downstreaming Tin Commodities

Presiden Jokowi Tinjau Pembangunan Smelter PT Timah
Sumber :
  • Biro Pers, Media dan Informasi Sekretariat Presiden

VIVA – In the working visit to the Province of Bangka Belitung Island, President Joko Widodo reviewed the construction of a new smelter owned by PT Timah Tbk in West Bangka Regency, Thursday, October 20, 2022. Jokowi said that the smelter construction is a sign of the seriousness Indonesian Government in downstream mining materials, especially tin.

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"Today, I saw a new smelter owned by PT Timah. It shows our seriousness in tin downstream. We have nickel, (now) tin, bauxite, I will follow everything, and this will be completed in November," Jokowi said in a press statement, Thursday, October 20, 2022.

President Joko Widodo hopes that the downstream movement of tin commodities will soon be able to follow what the government has done for nickel commodities. According to the President, the government is still calculating when to stop exporting tin in the form of raw materials.

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Presiden Jokowi Tinjau Pembangunan Smelter PT Timah

Photo :
  • Biro Pers, Media dan Informasi Sekretariat Presiden

"We need to calculate everything. So, later everything goes well, no one is harmed, but that once again we have to stop the downstream of mining materials and everything goes to industrial downstreaming, everything goes to downstream because the added value is there," Joko Widodo explained.

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Furthermore, President Joko Widodo also explained that after the government had calculated it carefully, he would soon announce a policy to stop tin exports in the form of raw materials. One of the factors considered is the readiness of smelters, both owned by State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and private.

"Later, when the calculations are done, we meet the calculations, and I will announce the stop (exporting). For example, next year it will stop, this year it can happen. I think that the preparations of the smelters, whether owned by BUMN, or privately owned, we must calculate everything," he added.

With the new smelter at PT Timah tbk, President Jokowi also hopes that the added value in the country will increase and wide employment opportunities will be opened.

"Yes (hopefully) the added value in the country will be more and create as many job opportunities as possible," President Jokowi remarked.

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