A Research Finds Interesting Facts About Humans Body After Death

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VIVA – There is a study that reveals humans who have died can move within less than a year after being put in the grave. Previously, researchers studied the process of decomposition or the process after death and placed an active camera in the graves of people who had recently died.

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And the results are proven if the corpse that has been buried can move and change its position while in the grave. This process occurs because of natural factors such as congenital disease. Research that has been successfully carried out by Alyson Wilson of Central Queensland University, confirms that this movement is not caused by animals, but by the corpses themselves.

The study took approximately 17 months. Some of the organs of the bodies of dead human bodies, such as hands shift by themselves. This decomposition process is supported by evidence in the form of photographs taken from the grave.

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As known, when a person dies, the entire organ system in the body does not function. Now when the organ systems in the body are no longer functioning, the process of decay begins. Starting from the carbon dioxide gas that will come out to the blood that turns into acid.

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Although all the organs of the body are no longer functioning, it turns out that there are still some cells that are still alive. Therefore, after death, humans can still donate their organ.

After the human body is put into the grave, within a matter of a few hours, the body temperature will slowly continue to decline. Where it is known that every hour the body temperature will decrease to nine degrees Celsius.

In addition to decreasing body temperature, oxygen in the body gradually shrinks so that the skin color will turn purplish. Experts call this event livor mortis.

After experiencing these events, later the body will also become stiff because the muscles in the body tense up by themselves. This is caused by the buildup of calcium, experts call this Rigor Mortis.

After this process, the human body that was previously stiff will slowly turn into a limp in a matter of days. Where the residual liquid toxins in the body will come out by themselves, the skin will eventually shrivel and dry out.

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  • VIVA.co.id/Sherly

After the body experiences this condition, the nails will change to look longer. In a matter of days, the body produces natural decomposers or cadaverine. In this process, the acidity of the body will also increase, and bacteria will also develop and start the process of decay.

Furthermore, after the body slowly turns into decay and dries up, the body that was once intact will gradually decompose because it is eaten by organisms in the soil.

Now for human bodies buried without using a coffin, the process of becoming a skeleton takes approximately four months. Whereas in a chest, the process of becoming a skeleton takes years.

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It turns out that after a human body has been buried for 10 years, there will be a chemical reaction in some parts of the body, such as the thighs and buttocks. This substance is referred to as grave wax or grave wax. Where after the corpse is 50 years in the grave, the body tissue will also disappear.

Then 80 years after death, the bones were brittle and began to crumble. A century in the tomb, only a few body parts remain, such as teeth, grave wax, and nylon thread that may have been used by the corpse when it died.

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