Here are Countries Who Hate Indonesia for Various Reasons

Bendera Raksasa Indonesia SEA Games 2017
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VIVA – Indonesia is a country that rarely has conflicts with other countries. Indonesia's location is in Southeast Asia and is known to always take a neutral political path from the cold war to the trade war between the United States and China.

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Even so, it turns out that several countries hate Indonesia because of the war, economic, and even interfering in the West Papua issue. Well, here’s information about several countries that hate Indonesia, as quoted from several sources.

1. Vanuatu

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Vanuatu di Kepulauan Pasifik Selatan.

Photo :

Vanuatu is in the Pacific Islands adjacent to Australia. Vanuatu is a pioneer country that supports the independence of West Papua. Diplomat Silvani Pasaribu accused Vanuatu of having an excessive and unhealthy obsession with Indonesia.

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This one country also often interferes in Indonesia's affairs with West Papua. Almost every year Vanuatu mentions human rights violations in Papua in the UN general assembly.

2. Israel

Ilustrasi tentara Israel di depan Masjid Al-Aqsa

Photo :
  • Al Arabiya

Indonesia has indeed voiced its resistance to Israel since the increasing political tension between Israel and Palestine. Indonesia has condemned various Israeli actions related to its border conflict with Palestine. The label of occupier was given to Israel.

The United States has offered Rp28 trillion to Indonesia to build diplomatic relations with Israel. However, Indonesia has given a firm message to the Indonesian world. If Indonesia prefers to maintain solidarity with the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation or OIC.

On the other side, Israel feels threatened by the presence of the Arab League and the OIC. That way, there is no other reason that Israel can feel happy with Indonesia because of subjective alignments and support for Palestine. America and Indonesia are not on the same side in the context of this war.

3. Tuvalu

This country was originally only known as the Alice Islands an island nation located between Hawaii and Australia in the Pacific Ocean. This country's hatred for Indonesia was seen when Tuvalu voiced the independence of West Papua in the general assembly of the United Nations (UN).

4. the Solomon Islands

Peta Kepulauan Solomon.

Photo :
  • ANTARA/Shutterstock

Located in the east of Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands are also reportedly not happy with Indonesia. The country which consists of six large islands and 900 small islands has urged the United Nations to investigate human rights violations in West Papua.

5. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Grenadines: Petit St. Vincent.

Photo :
  • U-Report

The State of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is a small country located in the Caribbean Islands, Central America. This country is the only country in the Americas that does not like Indonesia. This country was also voiced in the 71st general assembly of the United Nations 2016 to corner Indonesia.

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