The Longest Songs Ever, One is Reaching 48 Hours Duration
VIVA – Songs have the power to move people's emotions, the purpose of songs is usually able to inspire listeners or make people sad to happy. Songs are also motivational in a way that no one else can. This is why making songs is also considered an art form.
Songs usually only consist a few minutes, because making them takes a long time, passion, inspiration, and hard work. But as it turns out, there are some of the longest songs in the world. Some even have a duration of up to 48 hours. Here are some of the longest songs in the world, published on the page:
As Slow As Possible by John Cage
The song is a performance by John Cage, an American composer, music theorist, artist, and philosopher. John Cage wrote the parts for the instrument organ as an adaptation to his composition "ASLSP" on the piano made in 1985. The performance of "ASLSP" in the piano version lasts from 20 to 70 minutes depending on the pianist.
The next note change in the performance begins on February 2, 2022. While the organ itself is scheduled for 2640. In addition to the organ in the church of St. Burchardi, there's another show. To date, Diane Lucchese's performance is the longest individual performance of the work, with a duration of 14 hours and 56 minutes.
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- pixabay
Symphony of the Crown by Earthen
The world's longest song has finally arrived in the form of Earthena's "Symphony of the Crown". As the longest of the longest songs ever, "Symphony of the Crown" garnered a runtime of 48 hours, 39 minutes, and 35 seconds.
Earthena's "Symphony of the Crown" proved her right to the throne as the Guinness Book of World Records recognized Earthena winning this round as the longest official song. On Spotify, they made the song into an album and cut it into parts, with the last part going at 39:35.
They released “Symphony of the Crown” on October 1, 2021. The creation of the song took more than a year. Earthen composed and officially released the song in King City, Ontario in Canada. The song is filled with synth beats and has a consistent pattern.
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- Freepik/wirestock
The Ring Cycle by Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner composed a four-part German musical drama, "The Ring Cycle". We also know it as “Der Ring des Nibelungen”, “Wagner's Ring”, and “The Ring”.
Wagner took 26 years to complete his masterpiece from 1848 to 1874. Wagner created the "Cycle of the Ring" to be brought together but mostly done in separate parts.
The entire production of "The Ring Cycle" will take four days at Opera to put together a whole 15 epic hours. The songs are loosely based on legends in Germany with Nordic legend and the concept of Nibelungenlied.
The Rise and Fall of Bossanova Section IV by Bostwick
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- U-Report
This song is on Spotify for four hours. However, the song is not divided into several parts. They simply divide it into one album. The actual length of "The Rise and Fall of Bossanova" is 13 hours, and it was originally the longest song in the world until someone recently removed it in 2021.
Michael J. Bostwick officially released the song on November 1, 2016, with the independent label Creative Commons Pipe Choir. It held its title as the longest-running song ever for four years before "Symphony of the Crown" was released.
A YouTuber named Elise Ecklund, who covers music-related content, constantly listening for 13 hours described it as making her feel sleepy. Other reviews also described the song as having the ability to relax them.
Opus Clavicesmbalisticum by Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji
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- Pexels
Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji finished his work “Opus Clavicesmbalisticum” on June 25, 1930. “Opus Clavicesmbalisticum” became one of the longest songs ever. However, it also holds the title of the longest piano section.
The complex technique and mental strength required to play “Opus Clavicesmbalisitcum” is still an impressive feat even today. Depending on the tempo of your performance, the song can last as long as four and a half hours.
The Whirlwind by Transatlantik
"The Whirlwind" by Transatlantic is one of the longest-running songs on this list to be split into sections to fit into one album.
Transatlantic's third album, The Whirlwind, is a feature-length song released on October 23, 2009. There are twelve sections in "The Whirlwind", starting with Overture/Whirlwind and ending with Dancing with Glory/Whirlwind (reprise).