Ten Most Beautiful but Deadly Flowers, People Should Stay Away

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VIVA – Flowers usually have a beautiful appearance and pleasing to the eye. However, in reality, many flowers are only beautiful but deadly. These beautiful flowers have a poison that can cause damage to the body, convulsions, and more.

It has an attractive appearance to the touch, but can be very dangerous if people have these flowers. Here are some beautiful but deadly flowers.

10. Oenanthe crocata / Hemlock Water Dropwort

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This plant is considered one of the most poisonous plants in the UK. Oenanthe is a tuberous herb in shallow water on the banks of rivers, canals, lakes, ponds, and wet forests. This flower is commonly referred to as; "Hemlock water dropwort", "Dead man's finger" or "Dead tongue".

The flowers smell like very sweet parsley and the lovely aroma doesn't show how toxic this plant is. In addition, the roots are said to be delicious before poisoning consumers.

9. Adenium Obesum / Desert Rose

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This bright tubular flower of various colors is native to South Africa. These flowers contain calcium oxalate, a chemical that forms needle-like crystals in our internal organs.

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Whereas more than 1000 types of plants contain calcium oxalate; Zantedeschia is one of the most dangerous and deadly flowers, mainly because it is widespread. When eaten raw, these chemicals give a feeling as if hundreds of tiny needles are stuck in the mouth, tongue, or other organs of the body.

The throat can swell so much that it blocks the airways. However, these toxic chemicals can be easily destroyed by cooking or drying the plant thoroughly.

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3. Veratrum / White Hellebore

Veratrum is a beautiful spiral cluster of white day-shaped flowers. This flower grows in the northern hemisphere. This flower is commonly known as "White Hellebore" or "Fake White Hellebore". Flowers are commonly used for ornamental purposes because of their eye-catching appearance.

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Every part of this plant is a deadly poison. The roots are highly toxic, along with a paralyzing effect on the nervous system. Veratrum poisoning begins with severe stomach cramps and this usually begins about 30 minutes after ingestion. Muscles throughout the body convulse and cause a coma or heart attack.

2. Jacobaea vulgaris / Ragwort

Ragwort is a wildflower that is abundant in Great Britain as well as Northern Finland. These flowers can grow well on roadsides, meadows, harbors, and wastelands. This flower grows as a perennial herb and is about 30-80 cm tall.

The World Health Organization has confirmed there are eight toxic alkaloids in Ragwort. Unlike most toxins, which quickly leave the system, the alkaloids in ragwort do not.

This poison builds up in the liver over time. The build-up of toxins causes liver cirrhosis, in which the liver gradually folds in on itself as healthy cells degenerate into an unresponsive mass of tissue. But when the symptoms of time begin to appear, the damage is irreversible.

1. Kalmia latifolia / Mountain Laurel

This flower is better known as "Mountain Laurel" or "Calico Bush". This flower produces pink and white flowers in late spring. It is one of the deadliest flowers in the world. This flower is very abundant in the Eastern United States, considered the state flower of Pennsylvania and Connecticut.

It is known, some North American Native tribes have used the leaves of this plant to commit suicide. This flower looks beautiful but has a poison consisting of andromedatoxin and arbutin. For someone who is exposed to poison from this flower will experience watery eyes, stomach pain, slowed breathing, coma, and die.

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