Five Kinds of Jewelry that Can Change Destiny and Bring Fortune

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VIVA English – Many people want to get luck, prosperity, and even wealth. Luck can also create happiness for someone. Luck refers to all favorable events in life.

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To get lucky, it is not uncommon for people to use or look for things that are predicted to bring fortunes. It turns out that there are kinds of jewelry that are considered to change destiny and bring good luck, as launched from the Fact net site. 

1. Evil Eye Bracelet

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The evil eye symbol is known to ward off and protect its wearer against any evil. Wearing any jewelry that has an evil eye symbol gives the wearer both strength and protection from evil spirits or bad luck. For instance, wearing an evil eye bracelet can protect the wearer from bad fortune.

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2. Evil Eye Necklace

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  • U-Report

The evil eye necklace has the same meaning as the evil eye bracelet. This necklace protects the wearer from evil things. In addition, it is jewelry around the neck of women as an attractive accessory. Due to its beautiful eye design, it is a popular choice among women.

3. Promise Ring

A promise ring is a symbol of love that represents a couple's commitment to their relationship. This ring is also a sign of hope for the development of future relationships. Promise rings are becoming increasingly popular among couples who are looking to get married, or simply have a serious relationship.

4. Fidget Ring

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  • Istimewa

This Fidget Ring can be used to calm nerves and anxiety. Using a fidget ring can make a person feel calm and find more peace in life.

5. Mother's Ring

Mother's rings are very popular as gifts from children to their mothers. Traditionally, the mother's ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. Mother's rings are usually not worn with other rings or jewelry. However, some women choose to stack their wedding and engagement rings with their mother's rings.

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