Six Mysterious Places in the World, No One Has Ever Found
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VIVA – In the world, there are many impressive, interesting, legendary, and mysterious places. These places usually have historical value, folklore, or myth.
It turns out that several places in the world are mysterious in their existence, and not even some people are looking for the location of these places. The existence of location of this place is only based on stories from generation to generation.
Well, check here for the information about mysterious places in the world that have never been found by anyone, as reported from The Clever site.
1. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Taman Gantung Babilonia.
The hanging gardens of Babylon is one of the wonders of the ancient world. Babylon is undoubted one of the most prosperous and famous cities in present-day Iraq. Several authors describe this amazing and beautiful garden.
In fact, some of them say it looks like hanging. However, until now, the mysterious place has no evidence at all. Maybe the garden was destroyed or it could be just the imagination of the writers at that time.
2. El Dorado
El Dorado is a mysterious and legendary place that’s said to have a wealth of gold. It was first reported in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries where its location is still a matter of debate, but many people say that it was in South America.
There are many adventurers and treasure hunters from all over the world who are looking for the lost city. But, until now, El Dorado is just a story. This is due to a combination of several myths, not cities that exist in the world.
3. Shangri-La
Kota Gaib Ilustrasi
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Same to El Dorado, Shangri-La is also an ancient city that is said to be hidden deep in the interior of the Himalayas. The place is said to be very beautiful, like heaven on earth. Its inhabitants also have a long life.
However, that mysterious place in the world is indeed mere fiction. It was originally listed in the fictional novel Lost Horizon, written by British author James Hilton. Indeed, in the ancient Tibetan texts, there are several legends about such a place.
4. Ainul Hayat
Nabi Khidir
Ainul Hayat is called the water of life that is believed to extend human life. However, its whereabouts are still mysterious to this day. Some say that this place was guarded by the Prophet Khidir until now on the island of Bermuda.
So, it was rumored that many ships and people were missing while passing through the place because they were surrounded by demons who were trying to seize Ainul Hayat. But obviously, only Allah SWT knows the whereabouts of Ainul Hayat.
5. Socrota (the Island Where Dajjal is Locked Up)
Ilustrasi Dajjal.
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Dajjal is believed to be one of the creatures that signify the end of time and will appear at the end of time. Some believe that Dajjal is confined to Socrota in the Indian Ocean.
These islands are 80 KM east of the Horn of Africa and 380 KM from Saudi Arabia. The islands are so isolated that a third of their flora cannot be found anywhere else, but only in this place. However, there is no evidence about this, but still, we must believe in the existence of the Dajjal.
6. Atlantis
Ilustrasi atlantis
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If you have ever read a book called Timaeus or Criticas by an ancient Greek philosopher named Plato, maybe you are familiar with the land of Atlantis. The founders of Atlantis are said to be half god and half human.
They made the Utopia civilization very powerful at sea. Plato mentions that Atlantis existed about 9,000 years before his lifetime. The story continues to decline through poetry and other written works. Although many people are looking, Atlantis is still not proven to exist.