Ten Dangerous and Worst Countries for Women

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  • Istimewa/Supriadi Maud/VIVA.

VIVA – Women around the world are more vulnerable to discrimination, gender inequality, non-violence, sexual violence, and more. According to the United Nations, some 87,000 women are killed globally by those closest to them, with an average of six women being killed per hour.

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In fact, many countries in this world are dangerous for women's rights. Like one of India. According to a survey by The Thomson Reuters Foundation, India is in the first position as the worst country in the world for women. Here’s complete information on some of the most dangerous and worst countries in the world in 2022 for women.

1. India

WNA India Gelapkan Dana Perusahaan Arab Saudi Dibebaskan Status Tersangkanya, Polisi Dicurigai Main Mata

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  • U-Report

India occupies the first position as the worst country for women. India was ranked as the most dangerous country for women in three issues; Cultural traditions, sexual violence, and human trafficking.

Pembebasan Tersangka 2 WNA India Terkait Kasus Penggelapan Dinilai Konyol, Bisa Rusak Iklim Investasi

Domestic violence in India is endemic and widespread, especially against women. Around 70% of women in India are victims of violence including; Rape, marital rape, sexual assault and harassment, cultural and traditional practices, and human trafficking including forced labor, sex slavery, and many more.

2. Afghanistan

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  • Pexels

In Afghanistan, women's rights were stripped nearly 17 years after the overthrow of the Taliban. Gender-based violence often happens, more than 80% of women are illiterate, and many die in childbirth.

The average Afghan woman will only live to be 45 years old. After three decades of war and repression, large numbers of women remain illiterate in Afghanistan. Afghan girls are also discouraged, sometimes fatally, from seeking education and Afghan rape victims may be forced, by law, to marry their attackers.

More than half of all brides are under 16 years old, and one woman dies in childbirth every half hour. Most, up to 85 percent, of women in Afghanistan give birth without medical care. It is a country with the highest maternal mortality rate in the world.

3. Syria

According to a BBC report, Syrian women are sexually exploited in exchange for humanitarian help. Syria is the third most dangerous country for women in terms of access to health care and sexual and non-sexual violence.

There are so many dangers for girls and women. The country faces the risks of sexual harassment that women face. According to the Women, Peace, and Security Index 2018, Afghanistan is the worst place for women.

4. Somalia

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  • U-Report

In Somalia, 95% of girls should deal with genital mutilation mostly between the ages of 4 and 11. Only 7% of parliamentary seats are held by women. In addition, only 9% of women give birth in health facilities.

Somalia is called the fourth most dangerous in terms of access to health care and for putting them at risk of harmful cultural and traditional practices. Also, one of the worst countries for women in terms of having access to economic resources.

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Saudi Arabia ranks fifth as a dangerous country for women's rights, especially in economic access, and discrimination.

According to Ahlam Akram, founder of British Arabs Supporting Universal Women's Rights;

“One of the worst laws preventing women from having equal opportunities is guardianship – because every woman is subject to a male guardian. He can't get a passport, he can't travel, sometimes he can't work.” Ahlam Akram explained.

6. Pakistan

Angelina Jolie saat berkunjung ke Pakistan

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In some areas of Pakistan, women are gang-raped as punishment for men's crimes. But killings for honor are more widespread, and a new wave of religious extremism is targeting women politicians, human rights workers, and lawyers.

Last year, Pakistan witnessed about 1000 honor killings of women and girls, a practice that has been exported to the West.

Pakistan ranks among the worst countries for women in terms of economic resources and the discrimination and risks women face from cultural, religious, and traditional practices, including so-called honor killings.

The country also ranks for non-sexual violence, including domestic violence. In Pakistan, 90 percent of women experience domestic violence in their lifetime.

7. the Democratic Republic of the Congo

After years of factional bloodshed and lawlessness, the country is listed as the seventh worst country for women in terms of sexual violence.

Many women became victims during the East DRC war. Women are victims of direct attacks and violence perpetrated by warring parties or by rogue armed militias.

Women in Congo face a very harsh reality; about 1,100 people are raped every day. Since 1996, more than 200,000 rapes have been reported in the country. 57% of pregnant women are anemic; women cannot sign legal documents without their husband's permission.

8. Yemen

Ilustrasi Stop Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan. Sumber (gambar) : shutterstock

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  • vstory

Yemen is the worst country for women's rights because of poor access to health and care, economic resources, risks from cultural and traditional practices, and non-sexual violence.

Women and girls have been left vulnerable to inhumane violence, physical and psychological abuse, and exploitation.

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  • The sun

Human rights groups accuse the military in Nigeria of torturing, raping, and killing women civilians during its nine-year war against Boko Haram militants. Nigeria has also been named the most dangerous country in the world in terms of human trafficking and the risks women face from traditional practices.

10. the United States

Ilustrasi ekonomi Amerika Serikat

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  • BusinessInsider

The only western country on the list of a dangerous countries for women is the United States. Women in this country are most at risk of sexual violence, harassment, forced sex, and lack of access to justice in rape cases.

The survey was conducted after the #MeToo campaign went viral last year, with thousands of women using the social media movement to share stories of sexual harassment or abuse. In addition, the US is in the top position for rape crimes in the world.

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