Top Ten Typical and Popular Foods from Banjarmasin

Soto Banjar
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  • IG @makanterusss

VIVA – Indonesia has many regions that have typical and well-known foods. Banjarmasin is one of the regions that have special and very delicious food to try.

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When visiting this city with a thousand rivers, people should try the cuisine here. The wealth of Banjarmasin’s cuisine is popular in various regions of the archipelago. Well, here’s complete information about the top ten typical and popular foods in Banjarmasin, tourists must try.

1. Soto Banjar

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Soto Banjar

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  • U-Report

Soto Banjar is one of the most popular Banjarmasin specialties. This soupy food is different from Soto in other parts of Indonesia. Soto Banjar does not use turmeric, but cinnamon. This makes the color appear clearer, not yellowish like the soup from other regions.

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The contents of Soto Banjar are very diverse, such as rice noodles, shredded chicken, perkedel (smooth round potato), and half-cooked egg slices which make this food look very tasty.

2. Sayur Kambang Tigarun

Sayur Kambang Tigarun

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  • Istimewa

Sayur Kambang Tigarun is a Banjarmasin salad that is difficult to find. However, there are still some restaurants that serve this food to tourists or local people. 

Why is it said to be hard to find? Because the contents of this vegetable can only be picked and processed into vegetables when the flowers have bloomed. This vegetable contains various ingredients from the tinggarun plant, such as leaves, stems, and flowers.

Although popular among the Banjarmasin people, however, this food has a bitter taste and pungent aroma, so it is not suitable for some people.

3. Sop Mutiara

Sop Mutiara

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  • Twitter @PinkVizard

Sop Mutiara is a food inspired by Chinese culture. Sop Mutiara has changed taste so it is more suitable for the tongue of the Indonesian people.

In Chinese culture, pearl soup is usually present during the Chinese New Year. In addition to Chinese New Year, pearl soup is also usually served in a pot when there are big Chinese events such as weddings, birthdays, and others.

The contents of sop Mutiara are small meatballs like Mutiara in Indonesia. Meatballs are used from chicken meat. It tastes savory, which is a combination of milk, crushed shallots, garlic, and nutmeg.

4. Nasi Itik Gambut

Nasi Itik Gambut

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  • Twitter @bongkersz

Nasi Itik Gambut is processed rice and duck cooked with various special spices. By way of processing and seasoning, making the spicy sweet taste of this Banjarmasin culinary seasoning absorbs into the duck meat.

Usually, this Banjarmasin food is served in a banana leaf package which adds to the delicious aroma of this dish.

5. Cacapan Asam

Cacapan Asam

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  • Twitter @Excel_Dee

Cacapan Asam is one of the typical foods of Banjarmasin which has a very delicious taste. Cacapan Asam is made from a variety of chopped fruits and mixed with other spices such as tamarind, shallots, cayenne pepper, and salt. This food has a blend of sweet, sour, spicy, and savory flavors.

6. Ketupat Kandangan

Ketupat Kandangan Ikan Haruang

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  • dok Marissa Haque

Ketupat Kandangan is not only famous in South Kalimantan but also in Central Kalimantan. This Banjarmasin typical ketupat (steamed rice with coconut young leaf) is filled with pieces of smoked haruan fish or known as smoked cork fish so it creates a different and delicious taste.

In addition, this ketupat is also usually equipped with a dish of smoked catfish and carp. So, when mixed with a very thick gravy made from coconut milk and other spices

7. Bubur Baayak

Bubur Baayak

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  • Twitter @tweetsgulfie

Baayak porridge is made from processed rice flour, wheat, and water. Baayak porridge is a typical porridge culinary from Banjarmasin which is famous for its sweet and savory taste. With the thick texture and soft texture of the flour dough, this Banjarmasin specialty makes it even more unique.

8. Apam Barabai

Apam Barabai

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  • Twitter @Nara_Haramaung

For sweet food lovers, this Banjarmasin cake is suitable to try. Apam Barabai cake is made from rice flour, brown sugar or white sugar and coconut milk and also comes with cassava tape. This Apam cake has a soft and legit texture with a very delicious taste.

9. Sate Tulang

Sate Tulang

Photo :
  • dok.Eldorado

The next typical Banjarmasin satay is Sate Tulang. This food has become one of the popular culinary in Banjarmasin. Unlike the name, Sate Tulang does not mean it is made of bone, but rather comes from parts of chicken meat that are not used such as the neck, fat, and skin of the chicken.

The processing is done by grinding and mixing the special concoction of Habang spices made from chili. The taste of sate tulang is savory, spicy, and distinctive.

10. Mandai Banjarmasin

Mandai Banjarmasin

Photo :
  • Cookpad/Ummu Khal Kitchen

Mandai Banjarmasin is one of the souvenirs from Banjarmasin. This mandai food is made from the skin of the cempedak fruit. The skin of the fruit is traditionally preserved using salt, then stored for some time so that the taste turns into a fresh and delicious sour.

The longer it is stored and preserved, the sourer the taste becomes. After being preserved, Mandai is cooked. Usually, the cooking process is only enough to fry because this method can make Mandai more durable.

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