G20 Summit Will Involve Public Figures to Campaign Main Issue

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VIVA – The G20 Summit will be held on November 15 to 16, 2022 in Bali. The implementation of this event will involve some well-known public figures to help campaign for the main issues and priorities in the G20 Presidency.

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Through the #SaatnyaIndonesia campaign for #GerakBersama #G20Indonesia from October to November 2022, public figures will share content on three main issues, namely Global Health Architecture, Digital Transformation, and Sustainable Energy Transition.

In carrying out this campaign, the Ministry of Communication and Information invites and involves some national public figure to reach all levels of Indonesian society to share content related to the three main issues of the G20 Presidency through social media for their millions of followers.

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Presidensi Indonesia di G20 2022: Logo

Photo :
  • ANTARA/HO-g20-indonesia.id

Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Usman Kansong, said the meeting of the G20 countries was expected to move Indonesia and the whole world towards economic recovery and sustainability.

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"Therefore, it is significant to attract attention and invite people in Indonesia from all walks of life to participate in the G20 Presidency," Usman stated in his statement, Monday, October 10, 2022.

The public figures who will collaborate in this campaign include Nycta Gina and Doctor Reisa Broto Asmoro on the issue of Global Health Architecture, Doctor Tirta on the issue of digital transformation, and Nadine Chandrawinata on the issue of Sustainable Energy Transition. 

Discussion on Global Health Architecture Issues in the G20 Presidency is a form of direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The closer collaboration to ensure the resilience of the global community against future pandemics, as well as the existence of equal global health standards and a more inclusive global health system, are the focus of attention on this issue.

One of the public figures who was asked to campaign on the issue of Global Health Architecture, Nycta Gina, said that she was enthusiastic about helping the G20 Presidency and trying to revive conditions from the COVID-19 Pandemic.

"I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to participate in the success of this G20 Presidency campaign. Hopefully, through the campaign on health issues in my social media account, people can be more enthusiastic to rise from the COVID-19 pandemic and have a healthier lifestyle," Nycta Gina explained.

Nycta Gina.

Photo :
  • VIVA/Nuvola Gloria

Furthermore, Digital Transformation also received the spotlight G20 Summit this year. Especially on cooperation between countries and all stakeholders to restore the global economic order after the pandemic using more inclusive digitalization through the acceleration of MSMEs to enter the digital ecosystem.

Last, the issue of the Sustainable Energy Transition did not escape the attention of the G20 Summit. The pandemic and climate change have urged the global community to accelerate the transition to cleaner energy sources.

Therefore, the G20 member countries' cooperation in the form of sustainable investment to accelerate the Sustainable Energy Transition is important.

"We must be wiser in taking from nature and must pay attention to sustainability. As one of the public figures involved in this campaign, I invite the community to jointly change their mindset and lifestyle towards Sustainability," Nadine Chandrawinata remarked.

In addition to reaching the wider community, collaboration with these influencers is also an effort by the Government of Indonesia to participate in celebrating and making the G20 Presidency a success.

The G20 or Group of Twenty is an intergovernmental forum consisting of 19 countries and the European Union (EU). The G20 works to address major issues related to the global economy.

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