Five Significant Roles of Cockroaches for Ecosystem on Earth

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VIVA – Cockroaches are considered disgusting insects. Many people do not like cockroaches and will run when they see the presence of this insect. Therefore, many people try to kill cockroaches with insect repellent and so on.

Even though cockroaches do many significant things, especially in the food chain. The extinction of cockroaches on earth will also have an impact on forest health and will indirectly disrupt the life cycle of all species that live in the forest.

The extinction of cockroaches will affect the nitrogen cycle, recycling of nutrients and there will be a lot of piles of garbage and dirt in the forest and surrounding area. So, the role of cockroaches is quite important in the survival of the ecosystem.

As reported from the Rest Easy Pest Control page, here are some significant roles of cockroaches for ecosystems on earth.

1. Recycle Nutrients

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The existence of cockroaches is significant for recycling nutrients. Forest cockroaches are known to be experts in eating leaf litter and other plant material. The microbes in their stomachs help break down plant material that other creatures cannot digest.

In addition, cockroaches also spread it around the forest, then consumed by microbes there. Some species of cockroaches also aid in pollination in the tropics.

2. Nitrogen Cycle


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In the forest, the important role of cockroaches is to be the main source of nitrogen for tree growth and important for habitat. Cockroaches feed on decaying organic matter, leaf litter and surrounding wood.

The organic matter traps a lot of atmospheric nitrogen in it, and when the cockroaches eat it, they release the trapped nitrogen into the soil through the excreta. Then plants and trees take that nitrogen and help them grow.

3. Food Source for Wasps

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Cockroach as a food source for wasps. Cockroach eggs are the only food source of parasitic wasps, they completely rely on cockroaches for their survival.

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4. Food Source for Birds and Mammals


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In addition to being a food source for wasps, cockroaches are also an important food source for several other living things such as birds and mammals. Even in some cultures, humans are also known to eat cockroaches.

Various birds’ prey on cockroaches for food. In addition, reptiles such as desert lizards and small insectivorous mammals such as mouse also prey on cockroaches.

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5. Food Source for Larger Animals


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Cockroaches are part of the food chain of several large animals such as cats, whether wild or not, wolves, reptiles, eagles, birds and others.

These animals and birds’ prey on rats and mouse, and if the population will be affected due to the scarcity of cockroaches, it will indirectly affect the population of these animals and ultimately the entire wildlife will be affected.

The rats that went extinct from the earth wouldn't have had much of an impact, but a world without cats and birds wouldn't be a happy place.

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