Four Indonesian Cities Designated as Creative Cities by UNESCO

Keindahan Indonesia.
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  • U-Report

VIVA – Four cities in Indonesia are included in the list of creative cities according to the latest current data. The four cities are scattered in Java and outside Java. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is a United Nations specialized agency that records the field of cultural preservation.

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Creative Cities Network is a community of creative cities in the world. UNESCO brings together countries that are considered to be actively contributing to culture. The selection that was passed was also very strict.

As launched from the official website of the Creative Cities Network UNESCO, each country can only nominate two cities for selection each year. Furthermore, UNESCO will select and assess each proposed city with a special council before establishing it as a world creative city.

Tiga Warisan Budaya Takbenda RI Masuk UNESCO, Fadli Zon: Fondasi Identitas Bangsa

Here are four Indonesian cities designated as creative cities by UNESCO.

1. Pekalongan

Rayakan 5 Tahun Pengakuan UNESCO, Menbud Fadli Zon Ingin Pencak Silat Menjejak Panggung Pendidikan dan Mendunia

Kota Pekalongan.

Photo :
  • U-Report

Pekalongan is also known as "Batik City" because the handicrafts, such as hand-drawn batik and hand-printed batik, are the main source of Pekalongan's economy.

Art, culture, and economy, as well as batik design and production, are significant parts of Pekalongan's identity. Integrated into the education system, the batik culture taught at school is well integrated into the city's creative economy development plans.

Member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network since 2014

Keindahan The Great Asia Africa Lembang Bandung, Photo By IG: @meinnameistmia

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  • U-Report

Bandung city is the capital city of West Java Province in Indonesia. Bandung is a center of creativity and innovative entrepreneurship. With many initiatives shown by the youth of Bandung, Bandung organizes various workshops, conferences, and festivals.

The UNESCO website states that 56 percent of Bandung's economic activities come from fashion, graphic design, and digital media. In addition, there are eight urban villages in Bandung that are designated as creative villages.

Member of UNESCO Creative Cities Network since 2015

3. Ambon

Wisata Ambon Maluku, Pintu Kota Beach

Photo :
  • Instagram/@wisataambon

For people in Ambon City, music is not only a source of entertainment but also a lifestyle. Almost 90% of Ambonese can sing professionally. Besides tourism, music is a major source of employment and economic growth for Ambon.

With a deeply rooted music culture, many musicians such as guitarists and rappers were born in this city. With talented artists, Ambon promotes its music on a national and international scale through events such as the Indonesian Music Conference, the National Music Symposium, and the Amboina International Music Convention.

Member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network since 2019

4. Jakarta

Patung Jenderal Sudirman dengan latar langit biru di Jakarta.

Photo :
  • ANTARA/Dewa Ketut Sudiarta Wiguna

Jakarta is home to Indonesia's creative industries. Based on the 2015 Presidential Regulation, Indonesia's creative industry has 16 sectors. One is industrial publishing.

Jakarta has been recognized as a major creative hub for the publishing industry in Indonesia, according to the Independent Assessment of Creative Cities/Regencies in Indonesia (PMK3I) commissioned by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

By 2020, 60 percent of Indonesian publishers are based in Jakarta; and also collect 25% of the digital collection. Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), the National Library of Indonesia, and Balai Pustaka, Jakarta are also the basis for famous writers such as Eka Kurniawan, Goenawan Mohamad, Ayu Utami, Leila Chudori, Laksmi Pamuntjak, Okky Madasari, Dee Lestari and Pramoedya.

Creative Cities Network member since 2021

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